July 9th 2007 Updates


6,50.100 US $ was California Investor Mohnish Pabrai's winning bid for lunch with billionaire and philanthropist Warren Buffet

4,882 Crore Rupees will be spent in the Eleventh Plan to ensure availability of rice , wheat and pulses under the National Food Security Mission

1,432 rupees was the saving account balance of India's first President Rajendra Prasad

4.5 acres is the size of the landing deck of nuclear powered American Warship Nimitz which dropped anchor off Chennai port on July 2

Quotable Quotes

Let the work of change begin-- Gordon Brown British PM as he took over from Tony Blair

Corruption is a cancer that steals from the poor, eats away at governance and moral fibre and destroys trust-- Robert Zoellick World Bank President

Just me and 164 guys- that's kind of cool-- Liz Halliday - the only woman to participate in this year's 24 hours of Me Mans racing championship

I want to help set up a place where these woman prisoners inmates can get themselves back on their feet.. Kind of a transitional home-- Paris Hilton in Larry King show her first TV show after leaving prison


Here is an instance of human bestiality : a gang of revellers in Varansi made a stray goat drink liquor. Over time, the goat became a regular at the party where it is also served meat. The goat, by now almost addicted to booze, attaches its "glass " mates if it is denied its large share !!


Fame comes in different forms. For some , even the form of a "salwar Kameez".PS Vijayan a tailor in Thrissor stitched a 47 Ft ling " salwar Kameez". The apparel took 77 metres of cloth to complete and cost INR 35,000. the " salwar " alone was 30 Ft long. Vijayan hopes that his feat will get him in to the Guinness book of World records

Tennis and F1 racing

It was one of the most well contested Men's finals-- the champion Roger Federer versus the challenger Rafel Nadal from Spain-- two former champions were in the audience to see if their records will be equalled-- Manuel Santana from Spain who had won the event in 1966 ( no one from Spain have won the event after that from Spain ) Rafel was trying to match him- Tennis Legend Bjorn Borg whose records of consecutive five titles that Federer was trying to equal-Both of them played great tennis - the quality of the shot making and the rallies was stupendous-- With the fame tied at two sets apiece, Nadal had the chance to break Federer twice but the champion dug deep and managed to save the games-- then he raised his game and broke nadal twice and clinched the trophy for a record fifth time in a row-- Both men ( not sure if we should call them boys- Nadal is 21 and Federer 25 ) played the game in the right spirit and matched each other for strokes--
Federer was his humble modest self in the post match conference-- he said he was the lucky one this day and Nadal could have won too--A pleasing suave champion

By contrast the F1 was dull-- Kimi Raikonen of Ferrari winning due to a poor pit stop by Lewis Hamilton the rookie who finished for the ninth time on the podium in third place- World Champion Alonso was second- the only interest was Massa of Ferrari storming from 22nd on the grid to finis 5th-- Massa had his engine stalling on the warm up lap and had to start from the pits ( Massa was fourth in qualifying)-- the Ferraris are starting to look better with their performance and Mclaren should be worried about that


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