July21 updates

Facts :

  • 5 million copies of the first six Harry Potter books have been sold so far
  • 40 Million dollars is the estimated cost of a Hindu temple coming up in Toronto, Canada
  • 8.5 lakh laptops have been sold in India in 2007-07 -- a growth of 97 % over the previous year
Quotable Quotes

I don't believe in Atma or paramatma, I believe in humani-- Sharad Yadav JD ( U ) leader when asked about conscience vote

It is very awkward of the them to think that the word sex means the final act and nothing else- Renuka Chowdhury Union Minister on how some states view the govt., adult education program

It was good fun. - Murali Deora Congress MP on presidential elections

People of Pakistan get very upset when, despite all the sacrifices, you get all these criticisms-- Khursheed Memood Sasuri Pak foreign minister on criticism in the US of Pakistan's fight against terrorism


At the tomb of Sufi saint Miskin Baba in Jamshedpur, the prayers are for clearing visas and getting flight tickets. The tomb is famous for fulfilling the dream of those sekking their fortune abroad. Every day, hundreds of people flock the saint's tomb. " My brother was deperate for a visa to the US. He got one within a week he visited the baba ". Said Sulaiman , a visitor voicing the experience of the others. The baba is now known as " passport Baba " for his divine "visa " interventions.

Prisoners in Kerla can cheer. They will soon get a " release " - in to the world of poems, music and literture. Bringing it all to them will be poets, playwrights , novellists and musicians, who will present reading sessions and live concerts in prisons across the state. The first of these "reform pill " will be administerede in the next few months. Peotic justice , indeed


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