Sep 17

1.8 million computers worldwide have been affected this year by the Stormworm, which attacks through virtual post cards and You tube videos

40 US pilots over 60 years of age are flying passenger aircraft in India

54 consecutive matches on grass courts have been won by Roger Federer

Quotable Quotes

I am 92 not out-- M..F Hussain Artist when Cricketer Sachin Tendulkar exclaimed at his fitness

I do not think he ( President Musharaff ) will dare do this -- Nawaz Sherif Exiled Pak PM n his deportation to Jeddah

The line has to be drawn somewhere. Are we waiting till he commits mass murder-- Asif Iqbal Former Pak Pm on seeking a life ban on Speedster Shoiab Akhtar

Have faith in God and believe in me. Even I need to answer the Almighty. So I will do full justice on my part- Mamta Sehgal Additional sessions judge to the kin of Uphaar ( theatre fire incident ) tragedy victims deferring her verdict in the case



He pulled off the Smart City deal for Kerla. But on the personal front CM V.S. Achuthanandan continues to be quite old fashioned. Recently he was trimming his toe nail with a razor when it slipped and gashed in to his finger. Officials went in to a Tizzy as a doctor could not be found in the vicinity. Forget pedicures , are nail cutters bourgeoisie ?


He has fathered 21 children out of his four wives. But this is just the beginning, if the 90 year old Nana Ram Jogi of Paanchimli village Jodhpur is to be believed. He wants to touch the three figure mark but his fourth wife Saburi has thrown in the towel. The 50 year old has delivered 13 children. Jogi who lives with his 109 member family says that he owes his vitality to Camel milk which he takes regularly ( this was on NDTV sometime back )


Formula 1
Last week I had written that all was over for the Ferrari's this season-- Not so-- Due to a spying scandal where a technical document of Ferrari was found with a Mclaren Engineer , the Formula 1 racing body found Mclaren guilty of spying and slapped a 100 Mils US $ fine ( yes that is the number ) and also stripped the team of the Constructor points( Team points ). Mercifully they did not strip the points earned by their Drivers ( Alonso and Hamilton ) .. So with all the points gone , Ferrari's are virtually assured of the constructor's title- For the individual championship the race is still on between Alonso and Hamilton with just two point separating them after the Belgian GP,. The Ferraris did well this week end at the Belgian SPA circuit finishing first and second with Raikonen and Massa in that order- Fifteen points separate Raikonen and leader Hamilton--The Ferraris need more luck than just a spying scandal to catch the Mclaren' s for the individual champion race.

The season for sure is going to end with lot of interest.


How can we miss the 20:20 action-- This version is cute and neat-- we can finish the match in three hours or so , get a result and move on-This is very exciting and looks to be a batsmen dominated game-- India won a usual Paki match ( supposed to lose ) unusually by a margin of 3-0 like a football score-- After the match was tied ( India should have won hands down and as is customary allowed Paks to get to a winning position and then managed a tie ) the result was decided by a bowl out and India's super bowlers hit the stumps in three tries and Pakis did not hit even once-- It was all fun to see this type of action that is normally associated to Football or Hockey..


Anonymous said…
Dear Sri -- The best part of the weekly magazine is your style of writing. You have the knack to pick up information and make it sensational news! I enjoy Snippets. You whack pun and humour in good measure. From Babu PR.

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