Dec 1 update

I did not feel good to write about other things -- This impacted me terribly-- It is not easy and you do not feel safe and secure at all -- I went through this twice - 1993 blasts and the 1994 clashes--You will be so suscipious of things around you and rumours fly thick --

The Week that we cannot forget so easily
The past week was one of those that you cannot forget so easily -- rains causing enough havoc in TN and we woke up on Wednesday with the attack on key places by Terrorists in Mumbai-- The siege ended on Saturday with all the TV channels hogging limelight in showing off more than the other -- One channel refused to stop the live telecast of what was happening at the places where the operations to flush out the terrorists was on inspite of a govt. request -- It was clear that the telecast was not helping the army commandos -- But when one saw one of the survivors speaking on TV, it was clear that the telecast was helping them as well in terms of understanding what was being done and how to keep afloat -- So who was right ? Not sure . Most of the channels except for one went in to deferred live mode once the govt., made the request but that was on Friday well 40 hours since the outbreak
Few things were sure
We as a country take lot of shit and live with it -- How many times can one raid Mumbai and get away ? Look at the US -- after 9/11 not a single attack at any part of the country and here we are every now and then getting rounds of blasts , gunfire and we are proud that we are resilient --
Shobha De the columnist gave very good vent to the feelings -- She was clear that " enough was enough " ( one channel used this as the title of its coverage for the entire event ! ) -- She said heads have to roll and we need to take the problem head on and made a scathing attack on the politicians -- It was very courageous of this lady to go on the telecast and say what she felt -- one hopes she is safe as well --
It was clear that we need to do lot of cleaning and security of the country and its citizen cannot be compromised -
One hopes that all the channels carry the momentum and ensure that there is a clear path laid down for the future in terms of the security and the vote bank does not influence the decisions that should be taken-
It was sad to see the damage to Taj and Oberoi -- places that I have visited and have enjoyed its ambience , its closeness to the shore, the Gateway of India and its architecture that reflected the building of a century old ( Taj ) -- what a mess it is after the clean up - But one thing for sure -- Tata's will bring it back to what it was -- there are too strong and know what exactly to do-


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