Nov 17th Update

Quotable Quotes
Pakistan has everything that gives you an international migraine -- Madeleine Albright Former US Secretary of State
Shane Warne was a gambler with a hand of ace, the Banglorean ( Anil Kumble ) was a dentist armed with a drill -- Peter Roebuck Cricket writer
Barack Obama has to do something about those skinny legs - I am going to make him do some squats --Arnold Schwarzenegger Governor of California
You go to Tamilnadu , to Kerla , West Bengal , the medium of communication is the local language. Why should it be different in Mumbai ? Praful Pater Union Minister of Civil Aviation
A excuse--
I have not missed writing on my blog for a long time -- there have been delays in posting the blog but it is up there every week -- I love to do this and hence find a excuse to do it -- But last week was different -- On travel and working out of a time zone that was not Asian did not help -- Infrastructure was not available at the right price - and so no blog --I am not sure anybody missed the crap I wrote -- to be honest I missed the writing for the blog and then reading it myself !!

Is it a slowdown ?
Travel last week gave me a different insight-- I was wondering if there is a slowdown or is there a Financial crisis at all ? The flight to Frankfurt was booked in fact overbooked -- As I checked in , I was asked if I would like to defer my flight to the next day ? There was a money offer to travel the next day -- I have not seen such offers at the counter at the time of check in at Chennai -- The flight as indicated was packed -- Again the flight from Frankfurt to Gothenburg was packed -- it was a international flight but they would not even give some beverage or water free -- you had to pay for it -- return from Frankfurt to Chennai was packed -- not a single seat available -- I read lot of news about empty seats , travellers doing audios to cut travel and so on and so forth but the seats are full on the airlines -- Am I missing something ?
Missed all the action as it happened as India gave the Aussies a taste of their own medicine in in terms of strategy , planning and being aggressive -- I watched the third days play and it was a well planned effort to contain the Aussies and restrict their scoring -- At first , I could not understand but by bowling to a 8 -2 field and not allowing them to score helped to pile the pressure -- And the bowlers backed their captain and bowled to the field set -- This does not happen with India -- The bowlers will do exactly what their captain want them to do -- But in this test they just stuck to their leader and one could see the results as well -- There is a lesson for everyone in this -- Also Dhoni's gesture to allow Sourav to Captain on the last day was truly a example of a outstanding leader who knows to respect his team mates-- Well , I believe Dhoni has it in him to take India to great heights -- of course there will be defeats but the manner in which India plays as a team will be great to watch


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