Dec 8th Updates

Quotable Quotes
I am older today. Whether I am wiser, it is for you to say. P.Chidambaram on his return to home ministry
Genuine friendship leaves a space to be firm -- Dalai Lama on dealing with China
Can the tottering government in its last weeks produce a new order ? Their record does not inspire hope, let alone salvation. Natwar Singh Former external affairs minister
I am a guy who gets along with everybody. Anyone who knows me will vouch for this -- Sanjay Dutt Actor
Insurance and its reaction to Terror
Max new York did something that I could not say it was right or wrong-
What is the first thing an insurance co should do when there is a crisis ? Send out message to policyholders in case someone from your life has lost their life ? That is exactly what Max New York did -- after all, is that not what the insurance companies and life insurance is all about ? Immediately after the recent terror attack in Mumbai, Max sent this SMS out to hundreds of people " We at MNYL stand by our policy holders in this hour of crisis. Special claims helpdesk set up for Mumbai . Contact : 022-40291436 "
Now the question is, are we supposed to be happy that MNYL thought of its policy holders so quickly ? Or angry that they could of this when the city was under siege ? You decide
Interesting facts :
Rank of Coimbatore and Jaipur among 20 major cities in terms of credit card penetration-- 1 & 2
Rank of Chennai, Delhi, Mumbai and Bangalore among 20 major cities in terms of of credit card penetration - 3,4, 6 & 7
Approved annual Budget of Tirupati temple for 2008-09 in Rs Crore 1,925 - Investment earmarked for and projected revenue from making and selling laddus in Rs crore 60 and 40
Saloon ( again )
I have to write about this -- I keep visiting the saloon every six weeks ( Do not laugh -- there is enough to be trimmed not cut !! ) -- During my last two visits , I was handled by a person who did not belong to TN or any Southy state -- I tried to talk to this 20ish boy with a fierce eye that told one he wants to do well -- I could not gather much except that he was from Patna and he remained focussed on his work -- This week , I was handled by a young man ( 25ish ) who spoke Tamil with a Oriya accent -- I quickly started chatting in Hindi and that pleased him -- He said that no one speaks Hindi in this part of the world-- His Tamil was good for the eighteen months he has been in Chennai -- I asked him what brought him to Chennai ? He said " better prospects " ( haven't we heard this one before ) -- As we chatted , I learnt he was from Cuttack , could not write his high school exams due to poverty -- I asked him how he got in to this job-- By watching !! -- he was assigned to a saloon in Cuttack and he just watched for some months and then was given the job-- Did not make too much and someone told that Chennai was a better place -- Was it a better place ? I asked him. He said yes - any day -- What were his work hours -- Easily 16 hours ( aram se sola gante .. ) -- gets off once a week based on other people availability-- Does he make more money -- he said he makes anywhere between 6500 to 7000 -- not bad eh ? What did he want to do --
Computer Seekana and then give up his barber profession -- he said that courses were very expensive and he could not find anyone who would train free- I did not say anything but left after tipping him and would remember him if there is Rotary program that does Computer courses for free but the challenge is for this guy to find time from his 16 hour work schedule ( we do not work that hard -- do we ? )


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