Feb 16th weekly updates of the week

Quotable Quotes of this week

The Congress party took my help earlier and now they call me mad -- Amar Singh Samajwadi Party leader

We need a well - coordinated synchronised global stimulus package that protects the world's poor as well as the rich -- Ban Ki Moon Un Secretary General

I don't believe in sulking. I take criticism and analyse it -- Randeep Hooda Actor ( good )

I went to the bathroom and screamed yay ! -- Zakir Hussain after winning the Grammy award

Humour club meeting

This months meeting was a another grand meeting that relaxed the mind and sent all in to peals of laughter-- As the program , the convenor sensitized all the open house joke tellers to avoid reference to any caste creed religion etc., Somehow in the last month meeting , this slipped ( I do not recollect the particular joke ) and had some negative vibes on the internet--
I would like to talk about a very elderly gentlemen ( must be past 80;s ) who comes up very time to the stage and tells what he thinks are jokes-- the crowd knows as soon as his name is called , we are in for five minutes of speaking and he would tell everyone that what he spoke was of course jokes -- He normally talks about leaders of his time and anecdotes about them -- the audience is very sportive and gives his a thunderous applause for this jokes- Jokes apart what is interesting is his energy to walk up to the stage and then address -- This time , he was offered a hand mike to his seat but he declined , walked up to the stage and had his say -- I remember that he did not miss out even when he had contract surgery on his eyes but was there at the venue to share his jokes -- We keep meeting amazing people all the time--
The key note joker was Mr Sathya , political editor of tughlaq, the Tamil weekly and this was the first time ,I heard so many humorous comments on various political leaders, their leadership style , how they run the party , how they do coalition Dharmam , how they plan elections , seat allocation and so on -- Every comment brought out laughter but there was one thing different -- we were laughing at reality !! Mr Sathya spoke with so much ease on the current situation and his comments on each item brought out laughter but there was pain in it--

The BSNL Sports quiz

I have become a addict to this program and do not miss out to watch / call in to the program which is live on DD Podhigai at 10:10 PM -- last few weeks have been pretty bad -- Either I never got the line or got a muck of a question opened up-- the week of Feb 7th , I got the line early and opened a question on the board and got a real toughie -- The question was : Srilanka won the Cricket world cup in 1996 at Lahore -- A plane was sent to bring the victorious team back -- who was the pilot of the plane ? Help me with this !! Could not even make a guess in the five seconds I got -- I mentioned the name a Srilakan film actor !!! It turned out that he was a ex cricketer and that was former Srilanka opening batsman Sunil Wettimuny--- I watched in horror was there were so many easy ones that were opened up later and people getting the answers right --
Having gone through this, this week ( Feb 14th ), I waited for people to open up the board and hoped I would get the line later -- At one point as the board was opened , I had many questions that I could answer --I dialled in frantically and hoping each caller that came on to the line would not know the answer -- ( having watched the program , from the name of the caller and the place he is from , I now know their capability as well ) - With this I hoped that I would get through the line quickly -- I did but was in Q -- hopefully by the time the line went through , the questions for which I knew the answers remained unanswered and I got my due but mind you , you need to be involved so much to do all this !!! In the end , there was lot of satisfaction --


poor luck Sri. btw whats the prize for the correct answer..

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