Weekly Updates Feb 9th

Quotable Quotes

I am still capable of playing top level cricket -- both one - dayers and tests. I am 200 % certain - Sourav Ganguly ( not sure for whom this message is !! )

When I marry , the world will know- Right now, I have no such plans -- Katrina Kaif Actor

I was obese earlier . Now when I am thin , she dislikes my mingling with women -- Adnan Sami Singer on his wife , who accuses him of assault

I attach a lot of importance to what she tells me . Her views broaden my perspective and thoughts. -- Nicolas Sarkozy French President on his wife Carla Bruni

This Week end and Pressures

It was one of those packed week ends -- Added complexity due to illness of a close friend -- Lot of lessons learnt from this -- This particular friend and I grew up in our careers in my previous company -- He is elder to me by around seven years -- We have had lot of success as we started out in our careers small and then overtime saw growth and opportunities -- Marriage , kids followed and the families are close as well -- I moved out of the Consumer electronics but being qualified in that field , friends moved around in those areas and in the consumer durable segment--
My friend made a important move six months back -- A retail Shoppe had great plans to move in to Consumer durables and my friend has around 25 years of experience in that field -- So he got a plum assignment to set the Service team and network on a All India basis -- But to recession and due to the main retail unit in trouble , nothing has taken off -- no salary payout for the last three months -- All these must have had some stress on him -- He had severe cramps in his left hand last Wednesday ( Feb 4th ). Went to a local hospital in Mumbai ( where he is based ) was advised admission , declined it and went home -- his wife pushed him and he took a call to get to Chennai where he thought and believed that he will get more help and support -- He boarded a flight next day early morning , landed in Chennai and was rushed ( by private car ) to a leading hospital -- getting attended was a task by itself -- No beds were available and finally after six hours managed to get in -- tests showed he had a heart attack and on Saturday was advised to do a Angio to check out for blocks -- Angio luckily revealed a block in only one artery and that was fixed by Angio plast the same moment-- Again to CCU and then getting a bed for transfer from CCU was a big deal.. Finally Sunday mid day , he was in a room , normal and waiting for his discharge -- if more patients come in , he will be thrown out for sure to go home !! My friend was a non smoker and no alcohol as well !!
Some lessons :
--When you are in a vulnerable age , do regular medical check ups -- My friend was Diabetic but did not monitor his blood sugar levels frequently --
--Do your medical checks ups every quarter
--Be sure to have your medical claim card with you -
--Never travel when you are uncomfortable ( my friend was lucky that nothing untoward happened when he travelled Mumbai to Chennai to get medical attention )
--Ensure that the medical policy is live ( Onus on the company you work )
--There is stress all the time but you can always avoid taking too much stress - Try to be in a comfort zone without risking career moves that are hurting in this turbulent economy
--Stop being foolish and thinking you are alright -- listen to the experts ..

On top of this , had my daughters school day . Governor visit to my club at Rotary , a farewell ,q wedding reception , building society meeting !! Glad that I managed this
What a tough week end


Naresh said…
Above all you have time to pen down all that happend in the week, I am amazed with your time management.

Pandiyan said…
You are one active person, Sri.

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