Dec 21st Final post of the year 2009

Quotable Quotes of the week

My father defies rest and we believe he will not retire - M.K.Stalin Dy CM of Tamilandu on CM Karunanidhi

Problems arise when we say" My religion is good, yours is bad". It is like saying " my mother is perfect, yours is a prostitute"- Mata Amritanandamayi Spirtual Leader

Pakistan is not some vegetable that they will come and take it - Yousaf Raza Gilani Pakistan PM on Taliban

The best partnership of my life is the one with Anjali - Sachin Tendulkar on his wife

Tiger Episode - its aftermath - Price of Success ? !!

One more bites the dust -

I thought the last quote by a another great sportsman was very relevant . What a coincidence to make this statement when the world has been shocked by some revelations of Tiger's personal life and more rumours being floated just to add flavour and spice to his personal life. The last count of his affairs was a incredible 14 !! One of the most popular , savvy , quiet hero was Tiger Woods and it was unbelievable to get to the background of the Car accident . At first instance , it was a accident but what on earth was Tiger doing at 2:30 AM trying to drive away from home ? Then as the whole chain of events unfolded and what one thought in the Sporting circles of Tiger and his wife as a "boring couple" who stayed out of all kinds of Page 3 topics turned out to be otherwise, putting Tiger in a major spot of bother . First he withdrew from his home tournament , remained stoically silent avoiding the law enforcers and then has not taken a sabbatical from the sport where he gained glory and was at the top of the game. There is no doubt that Tiger is a legend and a icon and people will still love him for the sport that he plays . But the key in being successful is all about handling yourself in a rounded manner, maintaining your poise , integrity , truth and being humble.One can argue that Tiger did not nothing wrong at all but he has raised questions of being most admired person . The key is about being successful is to be who you are when you were not successful and not thinking that since you are successful , you can get away with anything you do !!

EPl Football Tamasha

Being a avid follower of the ManU team , you want them to do well and win all matches- You hate to see them loosing . What do you want the opponents to do when ManU looses ? You want them to loose as well !

The year 2009 so far in the league has been patchy for all the top teams . Liverpool one of the title aspirants have been beaten six times out of the seventeen matches they have played. Aston Villa has beat all the top teams , ManU , Chelsea and Liverpool . Tottenham Hotspur have being dramatic and are lying in the top five after a threatened relegation for the last season . Either the league has got better with all teams having improved their talent pool and playing well or the top teams have lost their appetite to be hungry for the title and be merciless when they get opportunities to get forward. This was so evident in the week end matches of last week . ManU went to Fulham and lost 0-3. This was not a surprise . With all Defenders injured , Sir Alex Ferguson had no one in his defence and Fulham punished them . This gave Chelsea to go ahead on top of the table with a potential lead of six points ( two match wins ) and they fared no better. Against West Ham who are in front from the bottom of the table , they fumbled and managed a draw !! This is good for the ManU fan but not for the quality of the game .

The Last week miss of the weekly blog

I missed my post of last week . It has been quite a while since i did this . I was trying to understand reasons .. Was it just lack of time , nothing to chat about ,dullness , lack of feedback to my posts etc., I realised that it was all of these things and a break did me good !!

This would be the last post for 2009 and will write in the new year

Happy Holidays and best wishes for 2010- Cheers


Well, lets talk about the purported statement or snip from Sachin and the actions of Tiger: I know I will be beaten from a world view if I claim that men are built that way(I dont claim it but a study by a reputed institute claims that it is progeny that matters for males). Lets discuss

"successful is all about handling yourself in a rounded manner, maintaining your poise , integrity , truth and being humble"

Humbleness has no value in today ethos- may be Sachin is an exception and he is a dying breed. Again, I have heard or read that even Einstein is know to have chips on his shoulders. Yes, Tiger carried himself with utmost poise in the eyes of his adoring(`yours humbly` as well, since I had personally followed him since the debut at MIlwaukee). What Integrity, as again a person who has been subjected to the outcomes of the travails of Integrity - I couldnt care less as I have seen the outcomes of displaying the highest level of " integrity" to those who have changed the course..maybe it is out of frustration. `My experiment with truth" of Mahatma is consigned to history just like dinosaurs, I simply dont want to venture out and comment as I feel myself like a dinosaur - for a change, in these column of goodwill and fun, I add a tone of misery; please bear with me(oops, who am I to even request such a thing ).

Sri, please do continue your blogs(uninterrupted) as there are few dedicated souls expecting thoughts from a `straight-shooting` individual.
Sri said…
thanks for the comments and discussion points - We should have a round table discussion in our Rotary meeting on the very topics that has hurt you --Humbleness < integrity , Truth
I think by saying Sachin is exceptional in having these qualities , we are ducking the issue- I still believe that these virtues are to be practised and i have felt great at times when i am able to be truthful , humble and live with Integrity . When i think of events in my life where i have not displayed these qualities ( there are lot of instances right from childhood ) , i feel miserable and shitty - So , i still will like to follow irrespective of what i am -
this is good stuff Man !

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