School report card --

Quotable Quotes of the week

Indians are very interested in sex, but pretend not to be. Once you lie to yourself, you can lie to others, you can be even corrupt -- Richard Crasta American author

I welcome Abdul Kalam Azad -- Suresh Kalmadi Chairman Commonwealth Games 2010, welcoming former President A.P.J Abdul Kalam at the opening ceremony. ( one of his many mishaps as we hosted the CWG )

Bal Thackeray is like God to me -- Rajinikanth, Actor on the Shiva Sena Chief ( where is this sudden devotion -- beats me )

For me life is not all about cricket ,cricket and cricket.I was finding it difficult to enjoy in that environment, which was leading me to drink and then not make sensible decisions - Andrew Symonds - Former Australian Cricketer. ( Great excuse )

Progress card for a Third Standard --
Topic : Personality Development
Under the above title the following were evaluated
Care for belongings of self and others
Respect for others
Self Control
Regularity and Punctuality
Sharing and caring

Looked like a Individual leadership behaviour Performance Assessment at a Corporate !!

I thanked myself that I did not have to undergo these when I was in third standard at school.. Just goes to show how things have changed !! It is all about speed and how quick we can get things done .


Just waiting for the match to end today . Another indian win will be icing on the cake


Gayathri said…
Sri, I had a similar experience with Gautham's report card last week - same categories !

The remarks by the teacher went on to say " Works independently and contributes with valuables inputs to class discussions" - It seemed like a comment straigth out of our appraisal forms !
Aravind said…
@ Gayathri - Or was it 'taken' from the teacher's husband's PMP forms? Unlimited supply of phrases!

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