Sept 245 Updates

A old one but worth reading and having a good laugh
Kuttappan is an Indian.

Kuttappan was bragging to his Boss one day, "You know..... I know everyone there is to know. Just name someone, anyone important, and I'm sure I will know them." Tired of his boasting, his Boss called his bluff, "OK, Kuttappan, how about Tom Cruise?" Kuttappan replies "Sure, yes, Tom and I are old friends, and I can prove it."
So Kuttappan and his Boss fly out to Hollywood and knock, on Tom Cruise's door and sure enough, Tom Cruise shouts," Hey Kutz!! Great to see you! You and your friend must come in and join me for lunch!"
They have a blast of a time. Katie Holmes even personally packs 2 sets of Masala Dosas, which is of course specially made by their South Indian chef. They bid each other farewell.
Although impressed, Kuttappan's Boss is still skeptical. After they leave Cruise's house, he tells Kuttappan that he thinks Kuttappan'sknowing Cruise was just lucky. Kuttappan says "No, no, you go ahead and just name anyone else." "President Bush!" his Boss quickly retorts. Kuttappan says "Yes, OK, but I am telling you I don't like him very much, he is very cunning, anyway let's fly out to Washington."
And off they go. At the White House, Bush spots Kuttappan on the tour and motions him and his Boss over, saying, "Kuttans! What a surprise, I was just on my way to a meeting. The CIA just informed me Osama is heading for the Pakistan Border, Hey Kuttans, are you still on speaking terms with Osama, maybe you could confirm the information for?me? Oh never mind! You and your friend come on in and let's have a cup?of coffee first andcatch up."
Well, the Boss is much shaken by now, but still not totally convinced. After they leave the White House grounds, he expresses his doubts to Kuttappan who again implores him to name anyone else. "The Pope!" his Boss replies.
"Sure! This I like, I've been meaning to see him, he is not keeping too well y'know" says Kuttappan. "And I have a lot of friends in Vatican; it's like my second home! And me and the Pope go back a long way, surely this will be a good trip"
So off they fly to Rome. Kuttappan and his Boss are assembled with the masses in Vatican Square when Kuttappan says, "This will never work. I can't catch the Pope's eye among all these people. Tell you what, I know all the guards, so let me just go upstairs and I'll come out on the balcony with the Pope." The Boss shakes his head unbelievably and says "Yeah right!!" Still so, Kuttappan disappears into the crowd, headed towards the Vatican. Sure enough, half an hour later Kuttappan emerges with the Pope on the balcony, waves to the crowds with the Pope and takes leave. But by the time Kuttappan returns, he finds that his Boss has had a heart attack and is surrounded by paramedics.
Working his way to his Boss' side, Kuttappan asks him, "What happened?"
His Boss looks up and says, "I was doing fine until you and the Pope came out on the balcony and the man next to me said, and "Who's that on the balcony with Kuttappan?

RYLA ( Rotary Youth Leadership Awards )

This week end was our annual RYLA program for this Rotary year-- This year we selected 60 Girls students from Corporation Girls High School Saidapet and took them to SRDI ( near to MM nagar Ford Factory )-- It was like a camp for them. SRDI has good facilities , hostel for the people to stay and conference room facilities-- During the two day program, speakers come and address the girls on Careers, Success, communication , setting goals etc., -- Evening of day one has bonfire and games and Music- These students are from Lower income group but a talented lot-- Hopefully these sessions should help them to progress further--Kamali Rajesh GM HR of FIPL gave a power packed talk to the girls ( I had invited her and she accepted to come on a Sunday ! ) Kamali was fluent in Tamil and lot of the girls were able to relate to her. Ford India had also accepted to send buses to transport the girls from Saidapet to and fro-- Nice gesture from them to help the Rotary.

Usual stuff :


I came here thinking that this was the land of Mahatama Gandhi and we could get justice. But we were wrong- Yakub Memom Convicted in the Mumbai blasts case

Yesterday the devil came here and the place still smells of Sulphur-- Hugo Chavez Venezuela's President on George Bush's speech at the UN

Pervez Musharaf is anti - Muslim- Mulla Dadullah Akhund, Taliban Military commander.



What started as a domestic tiff has landed rickshaw driver Sukh Lal in a spot. Last month in a fit of rage, he bit off the tip of his wife;s nose. A profuselu bleeding Puspha was hospitalised and a complaint was registered with the police for causing grievous hurt. When the lower court refused to grant bail he appoarched the High Court. By then the wounds had healed in body and mind and Pushpa wanted her husband to return. But the law would not budge !


Ram lal Vishwakarma was arrested in 1967 for selling obscene literature. Nine years later, when the cops were on his trail again for an offence under the Arms act, he fled home in Hartirath. His family obtained a death certificate in his name and all cases were closed in 1983. But old habits die hard. Ram Lal was recently caught with the certificates from Maidagin area, Varansi and guess what -- he was selling obscene literature.

Hope you guys had a good week end


Anonymous said…
Good one Sri,

Kuttappan story, I laughed very loud, ofcourse, at office.



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