Oct 30 Updates

170 Million Indians don't have access to safe drinking water

80,446 Indians are studying in US Universities

100 billion dollsrs is the projected size of Indian and Chinese combined mobile handset market by 2020.

30 % of all cancer deaths are caused by smoking


Women should work less and devote more time to their main mission--raising children-- Mahmoud Ahmadnejad Iran President

A woman's heart is not something you can fix with fevicol-- Celina Jaitely Actor

Reel life is nothing but extension of Real life-- madhur Bhandarkar - Film maker

When I was the President of the republic, I was in love with 17 Million French Women -- Giscard D'Estaing Former French President on his love life



The traditional buffalo fight during Goverdhan Pooja, observed the next day of Diwali , attracts thousands of people every year in Bhopal. Preparitions include putting the buffaloes on a special energy diet- milk, nuts , Ghee and wine besides tufts of green grass. The loser is the animal that runs away from the battleground to escape its competitor

Looking for some novel method of town planning ? Welcome to Aurangabad. When residents incessantly complained of the increasing crime rate and poor quality of life, authorities decided to paint the town Pink for some instant joie de vivre. Officials feel the paint job will even nudge the "pink city of India " title off Jaipur. The town's resident seem to have liked the new look. But will it really help beat crime..

Hope you guys had a good weekend


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