November 27th
Hiring Woes Average number of days it takes to fill a vacancy in the USA in 2004-- 37 days Average number of days it takes currently-- 51 days Chances that managers said they had hired below - average candidates " just to fill a position quickly " -- 1 in 3 I would say we are not doing badly at this point of time Other facts 36 Million US $ was spent by Senator Hillary Clinton on her re election 5.89 million cars were produced in China since October of this year 415,000 people are employed in India's ITES and BPO sectors Quotable Quotes The test of the pudding is in the eating- Pranab Mukerji External affairs Minister on the Ind- pak anti- terror mechanism I am an Kuchipudi dancer. So I wont have any trouble balancing the demands of my new job-- Oscar Fernandez -- Union Labour Minister - Well said !!! Even though India has all the attributes of a great power its most striking asset was actually its soft power-- Shashi Tharoor UN under secretary general The more time you s...