Nov 13th Updates

100 soldiers commit suicide in the Indian Army every year on an average

24 is the rank of Khan market, Delhi in the list of international retailer locations

22 billion dollars was the cash remittance from NRI's in 2005

22.5 lakh rupees is the amount the RBI has allowed individuals to remit in property abroad every year

12 % is the decline in global fishing yields since 1994

Quotable Quotes

My biggest godfather is my audience-- John Abraham Actor ( Bipasha Basu's boy friend-- you may be able to relate easier this way )

Manmohan Singh is probably the only Gandhian left in India in terms of political integrity-- Jagadish Bhagwati Columbia University Professor

I believe in bench marking Gujarat with the best of the economies of southeast Asia-- Narendra Modi CM of Gujarat

What a country ! Part Silicon valley, part Stone age !-- Steve Hamm, Writer on India in his book Bangalore Tiger

Filmi Gappa

Once the undisputed glam- girl of the South Simran is finding it tough to make a comeback, especially after becoming a mother and with younger heroines around. But the good news for her fans is that she will do a special role in Balakrishna's upcoming Telugu film, Okka magadu starring Nisha Kothari and Anushka. Producers think she is a way too hot to be out of the field , Mum or no mum.

Health camp

The Rotary and the Lions Club supported the corpn of Chennai in doing health camp on 12 th Nov through various health centers across the city-- The camp was conducted in the space of the Corporation Health Centres and the medicines and doctors were supported by the Rotary-- It was a half day camp starting at 8 Am and winding up at 2 PM.
Our club was allotted two booths -- there was okay turnout and we were able to screen around 400 patients-- It was a great experience to work with the Govt. machinery .The arrangement at the booth at Mylapore was outstanding whereas the other booth left a lot to be desired-- It was people who made the difference and not anything else. The official in charge at the Myalpore booth took lot of initiative and set up the place well-- the registration , the pre check up ( weight , other base data ) were collected at different counters and then the doctor check up was done and then the people were sent to the pharmacy counter-- So it was neat and very pleasant experience for all the people ( I am not sure if they bothered about all this ) Lloyds road was all in one and hence commotion and physical man management.Luckily O was in charge of the Mylapore booth and was more than happy to arrange support service. One of my other Rotary colleague had the charge of the Lloyds booth and his experience was not so good as was mine
Also sad to note was that many people do not go the doctors or use the Govt facility for their ailments-- They continue to live with it.. We had around 21 cases of Diabetics among 160 we screened at Mylapore and they were not even aware of what it was So was hypertension--We can do lot of things -- just educating these people on various ailment and the facilities that are available at the Govt . Hospitals would be great help.. It was also a pity that only 160 turned up at the Mylapore booth where the ward had around 5000 people or more live in slums-- This inspite of the fact , we went around and distributed leaflets and also hired a auto and announced through the area on the free health camp

Program by Simi Garewal on Star World Sunday 9:30 PM
Not sure how many of you watch this, but if you have a set top box , please do tune in. Simi does a great job in getting the best of the person she interviews-- this week it was Rekha and the interview continues next week.. Past weeks had Aish , Amitabh --
This week was a revelation on Rekha-- as far as I know we know Rekha the star, the affair ( or so called ) with Amitabh, suicide attempts etc., What came out was so touching-- Pushed to films at the age of 13 , to give the family financial stability ( mother + 6 kids to be supported ), she spoke of all that she missed a girl aged 13 would have ( have ice creams, go to school etc., ) More shocking was that she said she never met her father-- She said the father came and dropped the other kids ( First wife kids ) and did not even bother about her--She spoke about her days in bollywood , all alone , vulnerability of being alone at that age, not able to distinguish between good and bad, running away from shootings ( just to avoid being pushed ) etc., Here was a soft side of Rekha and the pressures that were on her
Watch this next Sunday if you can

Walk in Update

Venkat has hired the star i spoke abouiut last week-- now is the Acid test !

Cheers and Hope you guys had a good week end



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