November 27th

Hiring Woes
Average number of days it takes to fill a vacancy in the USA in 2004-- 37 days

Average number of days it takes currently-- 51 days

Chances that managers said they had hired below - average candidates " just to fill a position quickly " -- 1 in 3
I would say we are not doing badly at this point of time

Other facts

36 Million US $ was spent by Senator Hillary Clinton on her re election

5.89 million cars were produced in China since October of this year

415,000 people are employed in India's ITES and BPO sectors

Quotable Quotes

The test of the pudding is in the eating- Pranab Mukerji External affairs Minister on the Ind- pak anti- terror mechanism

I am an Kuchipudi dancer. So I wont have any trouble balancing the demands of my new job-- Oscar Fernandez -- Union Labour Minister - Well said !!!

Even though India has all the attributes of a great power its most striking asset was actually its soft power-- Shashi Tharoor UN under secretary general

The more time you spend in India, the more you realise that this country is one of the world's great wonders- a miracle with a message. And the message is that democracy matters-- Thomas L Friedman Columnist


How about a play pen inside a police station ? Seems ridiculous. But the newly inaugurated police station at Kavali is supposed to be child friendly.. It has an entire block devoted to children and has gyms, slides, see- saws and sand pits. There are assorted toys for children of all ages, besides a library and a Television ( this is worth trying out !! )

In Morbi, 60 Km from Rajkot, Gauri grabs attention for her addiction to Paan. Nothing new. Just that Gauri is a cow. She visits jagadish Sindhi's paan shop at least six times a day. Sindhi says that it started with him giving her paan once. She returned soon and stood as if demanding another one. Gauri continues to come and Sindhi readily obliges

Some T Shirt Quotes
Front Print : 99% of all woman are beautiful-- the balance 1 % are in my office

Back print-- I was born intelligent but Education ruined me

Back print : Virginity is not Dignity-- it is just lack of opportunity

Front Print : Women are like Elephant, look at them never own one

Front print: Not all men are fools , some stay Bachelors

Front Print : Nobody is Perfect , I am nobody

Front Print: My Girl friend says I need to be more affectionate.. So now I have got 2 Girl Friends



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