Nov 6th Update

15,912 refugees came to Tamilnadu from war ravaged Srilanka this year

8,000 Crore INR is the worth of Alcoholic beverage market in India (Venkat , what is our market share in this ? )

11,22,829 INR is the cost of running the Lok Sabha for an hour

93 % of Italian teenagers have their meals with their parents, which is rare in other European nations

Just because a film boasts of a big hero , I am not going to shake my hips around him-- Shreya Reddy VJ and Actor

My enemies have declared me dead or moribund. But I am not --Fidel Castro Cuban President

I will eliminate ruffians and protect people-- Mahak Kothari An eight year old boy who became the inspector of the Jubilee Hillls police station in Hyderabad for a day

He ( George Bush ) has something even more deadly in store for them -- Bill Maher American talk- show host on Bush saying that he has no plans to attack North Korea


A workshop that functions 24X 7 ? A dream come true for motorists. Well those in Indore are the lucky ones. The nameless workshop owned by Mohammed Salim has never closed since 1947. For that very reason, it doesn't have doors ! The oldest workshop in Indore doesn’t charge extra for the night shift service. The Salims have been running the workshop for four generations.

For the residents of Godna village, 90 Km from Ranchi. Sukhdeo Oraon is divine. They believe that the 28 year old is an incarnation of Hanuman, thanks to his one foot long tail. But his " Divinity " is a cause of worry for Oraon and his family as they believe it is a bad omen for them

Walk in

I was at the walk in on Saturday Nov 4 and was surprised to recognise a candidate who I had seen and rejected six months back-- I could recollect him well and his communication was so poor-- This time he was well prepared-- he passed the Written and the GD and was in front of me-- His communication was good -- It was much better than last time around-- I asked him what he did-- It was shocking-- he quit the job he had on the same day he met me last time and went to Madurai ( his home town )-- I thought he would have a joined a communication program-- No he did not-- For the past four months, he just watched the news channels and the English movie channels-- that helped him to pick up-- I told him he was selected this time-- he broke down-- He was the eldest in the family and his younger brothers were supporting him in his studies--B.Com and MBA -- they do book binding and are aged 19 or so and have been supporting the elder brother for the last ten years-- I allowed him to compose himself and he left-- His aim to join Ford and no other company-- good for us--A star will be born if one of you guys take him-- He will fit in SG2

IIA( Institute of Auditors )
I attended a monthly program at the IIA on Fraud and Forescenic Accounting-- It was interesting to note that 5 % of the revenues of companies are sizzled off in fraud-- this speaker was from E & Y and specialist in Fraud identification and prevention-- of Course, internal Control, Ethics training and tone at the top were some of the fraud prevention techniques-- I will upload the presentation as soon as I get it
Cheers and hope you had a good week end


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