Jan 15th

10.2 % is the annual growth of the gems and jewellery sector in India over the last five years

80.5 is the average life span of Australians, the highest in the world

13 judges are there for every 10 lakh people in India while the US has 107

131 year old Moloko Temo of South Africa is the oldest living woman in the world


Nothing is better than nonsense-- manoj Bajpai Actor on why he is not getting films

Such small things keep happening-- Shivapal Singh Yadav Up PWD Minister on the noida serial killings where at least 19 skulls have been recovered

You know what Saddam's last words were ? " I knew we should have had the trial in Los Angeles "- Jay Leno American comedian on Saddam Hussein's execution.

I dream of a day, while retaining our respective national identities, one can have breakfast at Amristart , lunch in Lahore and dinner in Kabul-- PM Manmohan Singh


Cool Delicacy

The sight of ice cream and custard will not make Kailas Vishwakarma drool, but give him ice and he will relish it. The Kanpur based auto mechanic consumes around 22 Kg of ice daily, even in winter. Kailas now trying to eat as much as 50 Kg of ice and find a mention in the Limca book of Records

Costly escape

They say, when your are walking on eggs, do not hop. Dheeraj Malhotra's antics on a low cost ticket might cost him a pretty packet. When the Delhi bound Air Deccan flight had to return to Mumbai because of bad weather, an exasperated Malhotra tried exiting via the emergency exit. But the escape chute, which costs 9 lakhs, is not reusable-- The carrier is now using him for damages.

Fizz harmonica
She enjoyed it so much that she did not budge even after her security guard signalled her the departure time. And that was PepsiCo Chairperson Indra Nooyi.
Nooyi flew in by a private jet to attend a concert of vocalist Aruna Sairam. Though it was time to leave, she waited for the concert to get over, obviously enjoying every bit. Now that is an interesting dimension to the corporate honcho. Well, she also happens to be the cousin of Aruna's husband Sairam

Humour Club meetings

This Sunday I managed to find time to attend the monthly program of the Triplicane Chapter of the Humour club at the PS School- the club meets on the second Sunday of every month-- this month's program had two agendas--
1. to honour Krishna Sweets for their contribution to the society-- Mr Murli one of the owners of Krishna Sweets took the award- Speaks very little and got off the stage as soon as he could- Dedicated the award to the employees of his company and his parents-- krishna sweets had been doing good work -- last year they sponsored or held around 700 programmes plus in various parts of the city -- The scope was concerts, bhajans, discourses , spiritual talks etc., -- this meant more than one program a day-- the second reason was putting at the Marina , Elliots and Beasant Nagar beaches, life guards at their own cost-- This resulted in saving of 57 human lives who were washed in to the sea either while having a swim or went in to the sea with intent ( suicide )
2. Suki Sivam gave a enthralling humour packed speech for around 90 minutes on how to enjoy a contented life.

Unbelievable compensation
judgments in the U.S.
It's time once again for the annual Stella Awards! For thoseunfamiliar with these awards, they are named after 81-year-oldStella Liebeck, who spilled hot coffee on herself...andsuccessfully sued a McDonald's restaurant in New Mexico whereshe bought the coffee.So, in the spirit of immature litigiousness, here are the awards forthe most outlandish lawsuits and verdicts that occurred in the USduring 2005:

5th Place: (3-Way tie)Kathleen Robertson of Austin, Texas: Awarded $80,000 by a jury of her peers after breaking her ankle tripping over a toddler who was running inside a furniture store. The store owners were understandably surprised by the verdict...considering that the running toddler was Mrs. Robertson's son!
Carl Truman (19) of Los Angeles, California: Awarded $74,000 plus medical expenses when his neighbor ran over his hand with his Honda Accord. Mr. Truman apparently didn't notice his neighbor was at the wheel of the car while he was attempting to steal his hubcaps!
Terrence Dickson of Bristol, Pennsylvania: While in the process of leaving a home he had just burglarized through the garage, Mr. Dickson got locked in when the automatic garage door opener failed to open, and the door leading into the house locked upon closing. He was forced to wait in the garage for a period of 8 days, surviving on nothing but a case of Pepsi and a large bag of dry dog food.
Upon release, he sued the homeowner's insurance company, claiming undue mental anguish for his "captivity". The jury awarded Mr. Dickson $500,000 for his trouble.

4th Place:Jerry Williams of Little Rock, Arkansas: Awarded $14,500 plus medical expenses after being bitten on the butt buy his next-door neighbor's beagle...even though the beagle was on a chain, in his owner's front yard. Mr. Williams did not, however, receive the full amount of his asking damages as the jury decided thebeagle may have been provoked, since Mr. Williams had climbed over the fence and repeatedly shot the dog with a pellet gun.
3rd Place:Amber Carson of Lancaster, Pennsylvania: Awarded $113,500 to be paid by the restaurant where she slipped on a spilled soft drink and fractured her coccyx (tailbone). The reason for the spilled soft drink was Ms. Carson throwing it at her boyfriend prior to the fall, during an argument.
2nd Place:
Kara Walton of Claymont, Delaware: While attempting to sneak into a local nightclub through the women's restroom to avoid the club's $3.50 cover charge, Ms. Walton fell onto the bathroom floor, and knocked out her two front teeth. A jury decided to award her $12,000 plus dental expenses to be paid by the nightclub she was sneaking into.

And here is the number one lawsuit of 2005, winner of this year's Stella Award:
Merv Grazinski ofOklahoma City, Oklahoma: Mrs. Grazinski had recently bought a new 32-foot Winnebago motor home, and during the trip home from an OU football game, she decided that she was hungry. After arriving onto the highway, she expertly set the vehicle's cruise control to 70 MPH, calmly left the driver's seat, and headed to the back of the Winnebago to make herself a sandwich. Not surprisingly, the motor home left the freeway, crashed, and overturned.
Mrs. Grazinski sued the Winnebago corporation for not stating in the owner's manual that cruise control was not the same as "automatic pilot" and that she was not actually able to leave the driver's seat while using it. The jury awarded her $1,750,000 PLUS a new motor home.
The Winnebago corporation has updated its driver's operation manuals, as a result of this lawsuit.

Hope you guys had a good long week end


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