Jan 29th

1.79 lakhs is the strength of the women police in India

3.5 lkhs tulips were planted lst month on the banks of Dal lake in Srinagar to develop the world's largest tulip garden

23.4 billlion dollars was the IT enabled service exports from indai during 2005-06

2 Billion litres of Vodka is consumed in Russia every year

62 % Indians bribe the police says the transparency International survey 2005

21 million Ipods were so;d in India in the last six months

Quotable Quotes
I won't write about India, as it is not my subject-- Kiran Desai Booker Prize winner

We, Indian should stop creating so much hype about nominations-- Ustad Zakir Hussain Tabla maestro on his Golden Strings of the Sarod being nominated for the Grammies

Israel must make a choice between peace and settlements. It cannot have both- Saeb Earaka Palestinian Leader.

For everything there is a price-- Pranab Mukerji on whether the Left has been more of a hindrance than a asset.

Choose your Coffin
Let us not speal of the dead. Neverthless, would you prefer to be buried in a Coke bottle , a mobile phone or a hen ? The Ga tribe in coastal Ghana bury their dead in Coffins that reflect reflect the dead person's character. It could be a needle or a sewing machine coffin for a seamstress and a beer bottle or a cigarette coffin for thise addicted to them. Last guess : What journalists are buried in ? Exactly a ball point pen !!

Book Fair
The annual Chennai book fair last week had great celebrities lime the CM M.Karnunanidhi, actor Pasupathi , Nassar Rohini etc., and lot of us ( ! )
But the star of the fair was Nalini Jameela author of An Autoboigraphy of a sex worker. Originally in Malayalam , the book was translated in to Tamil by Kalacchuvadu publications and people thronged its stall to meet Nalini. With the CM promising a permanent site for the book fair, Chennai is wearingan intellectual look.

Hot ( Parting Ways )
Kollywood was totally shocked when actor Nayantara declared her break with Chimbu. Though Chimbu was in the US, when the official notifications came, tried his best to reconcile , the bimbette didn't busge an inch. She even changed her mobile number to stop the actor from calling her. Last heard-- Nayan is back to shootings and on time and accepting new offers-- something that did not happen when he was with Chimbu


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