Jan 22nd

Some Facts

99.20 US $ is earned by former English football captain David Becckham in a minute

70 Million people live below poverty line in Bangladesh

20 % of medicines sold in India is fake.

Average size of a public issue during the period 1992-95 in RS crore : 10.16
Average size of a public issue during period 2003- 06 in RS crore : 375.45

1.7 billion dollars is the combined box office collections of The Pirates of the Carribean, parts one and part two


If India has to solve its problems it has to embrace capitalism-- NR naryanamoorthy Infosys Mentor

I swear by Jesus Christ- the greatest socialist in history. Hugo Chavez Venezulean President

Many guys may look spectacular. But when they open their mouth, I want to run a thousand miles-- Ameesha Patel Actress

If I were affected by what you call controversies , I wouldn't have been shooting films almost non- stop-- Ram Gopal Varma Film maker


You don't have to show your hefty pay check or bank account to get in to this club. Just show that you are an idiot to the core. The idiot club, based in rayya town, lashes out at corrupt civic authorities and politicians. If you feel that there is an idiot in you, don't waste your time..

Jammu and Kashmir

It was news agency that let the bird out of the bag by saying that an anonymous buyer was offering Rs 30 lakhs for a three Kg owl. Conditions : It must be unhurt and helathy. Now htat calls are pouring in from sucessful bounty hunters , the buyer seems to have flown by night. After Hogwarts students, it is now the agency that is in a soup over owls.

Bhart Matrimony .Com

I had the opportunity to listen to Murgavel founder CEO of this website..Murgavel is named one of the top five Asian Indian Businessman below the age of 35 by the Asian Indian Chamber of Commerce--Launched in 1997, BharthMatrimony has over 75 lakh members worldwide and claims about 7 lakh marriages to its credit. Murgavel is a MCA from the University of Madras, Murgavel as he worked as a developer in the US launched the site part time and then over time quit his job , returned to India, expanded the site., One of the reason for the success is the revenue ,model that he adopted and this ensured that the website did not go down the Dotcom bust. Murgavel returned to india in 2001 and started with 3 employees. Today there are some 600 ++ employees -- Yahoo has invested 8.6 Million Dollars in to this firm. Murgavel claims 2 digit.. Crore profit numbers and success has not gone in to his head-- Simple and easy to approach and making the right business decision is his success mantra. The site has diversified in to Automobiles website and properties-- And they do contribute to the society -- there is a Bhartblood bank .com to register donors.. Incidentally Murgavel found his match through the website !!
A great success story to look to


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