April 30th updates

14,000 freshers are being hired by Wipro during 2008 Financial year

500 Indian students at Virginia Tech University form the largest number of foreigners on a US campaign

45,000 children go missing in India every year says a National Human Rights Commission report

4.1 Million pounds was the earning of steel tycoon Lakshmi Mittal in 2006


The number of SEZs is not important but it is the number of units in a Zone that matters. It is not possible to acquire large tracts of land for SEZs because of density of population-- Kamal Nath Minster for Commerce and industry

The dividing line between judicial approach and activism may at times become a case of overreach-- Manmohan Singh PM

If Gopi is going to get the guy from the village to fly, great. Once he flies and prospers , he will come to me , in any case -- Vijay Mallaya Chief Kingfisher Airlines on Air Deccan's G.R. Gopinath

I ask myself if I want the momentary joy of eating biryani or a lifetime of bliss - I choose life-- Adnan Sami Singer on his shedding more than 100 KG in a weight loss program


Kerla police is receiving huge applause from the public in Trivandrum . It is not any heroic operation that won them the appreciation. It is a creative mission. " Changing face of Police" an exhibition organised by the Police Dept., as part of its golden jubilee celebration is attracting visitors/ From artefacts and document to weapons and uniforms from early 20th century to the present day, the exhibition offers a range of interesting items . It also depicts the artistic side of the police personnel: books , paintings photographs and cartoons done by the guardians of law are on show. The huge response to the exhibitioners at a stadium is certainly a achievement for the IG Sandhya who is in charge of the event

Heritage resort at Swamy Malai
Over the week end , we went over to Swamy Malai to stay at the Sterling resorts-- It is a welcome change to stay in a hut but with modern amenities of Aircon , TV-- The place is basically a Panniyar's house converted to a resort-- You are welcomed with beat of the drums ( Murasu kottatum ) , a foot massage -- the telephone instruments date back by about twenty years ( they work still ).. The switches in the room are ancient ( they work too )-- Lot of nature-- You see deers , ducks, ostriches etc., walk around you-- There is a swimming pool ( a pond converted well ) -- A good place to go although it is expensive slightly


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