May 14th


Rank of Mumbai and Delhi among 219 cities worldwide in terms of quality of life--- 119 and 125

Estimate amount in bribes doled out by India's truck drivers every year to ensure hassle free movement in RS crore 22,200

Amount the world owed to USA in 1980 in trillion US $ 1: Amount the USA owes to the world in trillion US $ 3 !!

15,000 KM is the maximum range of Airbus A380 , sufficient to fly non - stop from Chicago to Sydney

5 billion US $ is the price Rupert Murdoch's News corporation has offered for The Wall Street Journal's parent organisation Dow Jones

Quotable Quotes

Anyone in India who is being offered the opportunity to serve as the first servant of the nation will regard it as the greatest honour-- Somnath Chatterji Lok Sabha speaker on his chances of becoming the President

The Ambassador car represents all that was once right and wrong in India -- Dilip Chabbria - Automobile designer

It is a great feeling to go to Iraq- I just wanted to go out there and do it-- Prince Harry on his posting in Iraq



They came. They conquered and left behind a jumbo gift. All hell broke loose when five adult elephants and a calf decided to cut of the monotony of their sanctuary and visit the Kalinga Studio in Bhubaneswar. They retreated after the rampage but forgot to take their baby elephant along. The one year old calf was hurt , tired and badly missing her mother. Vets from the Nandkanan Zoo treated her and named her Kalinga after the studio. Forest officials plan to reunite Kalinga with her family.

Basant Kumar Roy of Hazaribag district enjoys his siesta every day in a six foot deep pit next to his wife's grave. Roy dug the two pits after his wife died in 1998. He hopes to be buried in this hole, which the 103 year old also calls as home. He is now digging another pit for his divorced daughter to ensure that she gets a decent burial.

Formula 1
I thought I will avoid writing on this topic since Michael Schumacher retired --But the sport is bigger than the individual and you get sucked in--
So far after four races , it has been good competition amongst the Ferrari and the Mclaren -- the Asia tour is over and goes in to circuits in Europe and normally through Europe , the other teams are stronger than the Ferrari .. But at Spain where the GP was last week end , Felipe Massa of Ferrari did well to win the race-- The race was characterised by poor pit stops by teams-- Nick heidfield of BMW left without a bolt on his right front wheel and it is a messy sight -- There were Fuel rig problems-- Massa 's car caught fire as the rig spilled oil although the tank was re fuelled-- thankfully this did not affect the car and Massa and he went on to win the race--
The surprise pack has been Lewis Hamilton of Mclaren-- a rookie first timer , he has finished on Podium in all the four races-- No mean feat-- normally drivers get a victory after may be a full season ( which means 18- 20 races ) or even more -- Also the fact that each circuit is different and you have to drive exceptionally well not to make a mistake-- Hamilton has done exactly that-- this guy is talent and hats off to Mclaren for putting him right up there--
The next race is at Monaco - on the streets and this is more a " Royal " race and may not hold the thrills of a circuit-- Singapore will also a hold F1 racing 2008 and that will be on the streets as well

Merrybrown Chain
Was feasting on French fries at one of these chain outlets and something struck me to share -- Like our EOM they also have the " Crew of the month " award-- There is a plaque and it has space for 12 months on which a photo can be affixed.. I saw this being filled with smiling crew guys from Jan to April- next time , need to see their " Criteria " for selection -- Also lot of signs that strike you-- We follow "FIFO " ( so important for a edible food guy but how many customers will know what FIFO is )
-- We use only Veg oil etc etc., Watch out...


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