may 21st Updates

7095 INR is charged for a evening tour in Royal Time Machine , the heritage tourism bus in Delhi

15 million red blood cells are created and killed every second in the human body.

10 million US dollars was the amount for which America Ferrera , star of a US television show insured her smile.

Quotable Quotes

It's time for a new life. Time to relax and play with my dogs-- Kim Clisters Belgian Tennis Star on her retirement ( Clisters retired two weeks back and is aged 24 )

I feel sad that my leader has suspected me. Someone has.. Misled him with misinformation-- Dayanidhi Maran Former Union Communication Minister

The only way you can conquer the pull of power is to set it down-- Tony Blair British PM on his resignation on June 27

US energy secretary asked about the Iran - Pakistan - India pipeline and we explained our position.. It is none of their business-- Murali Deora Petroleum and natural gas minister



The nursing staff at the Institute of child health at the Kottayam Medical college was stunned to find 5 Kg of pearl spot fish in their freezer meant to stock preventive medicines. A paediatric surgeon is said to be responsible for the smelly act. According to the Supt of the Institute, he has the habit of storing fish in the freezer. He has been suspended from service and an enquiry is on to find out whether he had accepted the fish as a bribe or whether it was a deliberate attempt to trap him.
Fishy indeed

Guess what the passengers were asked to do when their train came to a standstill in Bihar ? The driver asked them to get down and push ! The electric train was cruising along a zone that did not have overhead wires when someone pulled the emergency chain brining the train to a halt. The way out was to nudge the train till it connected with the overhead wires a little ahead. After half an hour of pushing , the train found the overhead wires, and was on its way.


Venkatesan who ? This young man of around 23 years is from Dharmapuri-- He visited a medical camp that was organised by Rotary in September of 2006-- he was okay but needed a major help-- He was studying to be teacher for primary children -- We tried to help him locally but this did not work-- Venkatesan is very strong mentally and has great courage and will to live a better life--
Now what is wrong with him-- Venkatesan lost both his hands during a accident-- he picked up a live electricity cable when he was ten and that accident left him with both hands gone-- We tried to fix him artificial limbs and hands but since the injury left no stump on his arms we could not-- Finally there is hope --Venkatesan has travelled to Mumbai this week to meet Doctors at Institute of medicine and Rehabilitation where there are electronic hands that can be fitted in-- this should work -- and our prayers are for that.
Inspite of his handicap , Venkatesan manages to do things on his own-- Last week he came to meet me and he was doing things well without the help of his hands- he needs support to answer calls to get in , get out of transport vehicles etc., he is very confident that he will finish his teacher training course and get a job-- never seen any one with so much of self confidence--
I was afraid that he will be lost in Mumbai-- today morning Bhavesh ( thirdware ) picked him at the Railway station and helped him to get to the hospital safely -- there is always help available --- Else it would have been a struggle in the Mumbai traffic and crowds--
I will keep you posted oh his progress--

Sports Quiz On DD Podhigai
Watch this program for a week-- It is aired live on every Saturday at 10:10 PM-- Nothing exceptional but watch the way the Quiz master Dr.Sumanth Raman handles the show-- So much for his speed and communication skills
I watch it with interest for my sports and try to get in to the program in vain for the last 8-9 months


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