may 28th- weekly updates

138 year old Habib Miyan of Jaipur is the oldest person in India according to the Limca book of records

345 trees will be felled at Delhi's Siri Fort forest to build news badminton and squash courts for the 2010 commonwealth games

11,000 is the number of people who contract HIV virus every day around the world

Quotable Quotes
Agriculture remains a sort of gateway issue. We know where the trade offs are in agriculture now.. The only question is how much ? Pascal Lamy Director General WTO

The key to that is reconciliation ensuring the needs of Iraqis of different communities are properly taken care and a lasting political accommodation is reached between them- Tony Blair on how to push for greater political reconciliation.

If the diplomacy and military efforts we have taken do no bring calm , we will have to escalate our response-- Ehud Olmert-- Israeli PM threatening tougher action against Hamas



Life had been tough for Badam and Daisy, two street dogs in East of Kaliash. People in the neighbourhood shooed them away and sometimes hurt them. Moved by their light, Mita Das Guota sought legal help and the court ordered "police protection " for the dogs. The court also instructed the cops to attend to complaints regarding cruelty to the dogs. Now the police are in a fix: While there are only around 70 policemen in each police station, there are more than 100,000 dogs roaming the city's streets--

West Bengal

Most spiders spin webs to trap insects. Villagers of Dhupguri in Jalpaiguri district were shocked when an eight legged predator pounced on an unsuspecting bird on a guava tree and devoured it. Forest officials later captured the rare spider species: the area is home to 14 varieties. The officials took the jet black and highly venomous spider to the garumara reserve forest for observation.

Wine is fine
Both liquor Barons Vijay Mallaya and Sharad Pawar ( Agriculture Minister ) want Indians to consume more wine but for different reasons. While Pawar want to improve the wine production in Maharashtra which has been falling Mallya wants to introduce wine and beer on board domestic airlines.

More employee Recognition
Pothys of T nagar -- sign boards inside their huge shop on employee recognition-- Again a monthly award , a plaque captures " Outstanding Supervisor of the month " , Best delivery section boy and best sales men for the month-- this carries the pictures of the employees as well-- keep looking-- things are changing all the time and good practices are coming in all industry and that should be a great boon for us - the customer


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