June 11th Update

30,000 crore rupees worth electricity is stolen in India every year

76 % of e mail that originates from India is spam

1.21 lakhs is the price of 1 KG of "yarshagumba " known as Himalayan Viagra , a rare aphrodisiac found in Tibet

650 billion dollars is the loss to global economy every year through trade in counterfeit and pirated goods

Quotable Quotes

If it is found that he ( Aamir Khan ) is not a farmer then the government will take back the land and file a case- Narayana Rane Revenue Minister of Maharastra--this is in response to Aamir Khan holding lands as a farmer-- I saw a program where Aamir defends he is a actor and a farmer--

The masses determine who will form the government but the classes determine what the government will do -- Mani Shankar Iyer Union Minister for Panchyat Raj

The president has made clear that we are on a diplomatic course-- Condoleezza Rice on US Strategy for Iran

I feel terrible- I feel like a cow on Ice-- Maria Sharapova on her form at the French Open tennis tournament



Forest Guards in the state have found a novel way to trap leopards that wander in to the human settlement. They play ring tones that resemble sounds of the big cat's preys- moos of cows and bleats of goats- through loud speakers fixed behind a cage. The mooing goes on till the curious leopard steps in to the cage. Officials say the method is safe. Five leopards have so far been caught and released back in to forest since the method was introduced a month ago.


Guess what was in store for the students of a village in Kozhikode on the day their schools reopened after the summer holidays? A lesson in rock climbing. Students had to climb the concrete wall of the Kothy bridge using a rope to reach their schools across the Kallayi river. The bridge was built 10 years ago. But the construction of the approach road to one of the side is still missing….

Deals and distilled wisdom
The Kingfisher - Air Deccan deal was struck at 4:45 AM on May 31 and everyone was visibly exhausted by that time. After the deal was signed. Capt GR Gopinath asked Ravi Nedungadi , CFO of Kingfisher Airlines how he managed to work so hard. The cigarette smoking Senior executive replied in typical Kingfisher style-- " Vijay Mallya has taught me to party hard and work still harder

Roger Fedderrer failed to win the clay title that he does not have as his treasures. Fedderrer lost for the second year in a row to Rafel Nadal who won his third consecutive title on Clay court. Nadal played very well and Federer did not play as well he would have. The match although lasted four sets , was long and took nearly three hours with some long good rallys between the players. Nadal looks very strong on clay and his court coverage was amazing.

This week ends MotoGP was one of the best-- Cassey Stoner of Ducati won the race on the last lap beating Doctor Rossi on the last lap-- the lead changed three times on the last lap as the two men battled the corners of the race track to take lead-- Wonderful bike racing

Alas did not have energy to watch the Formula one-- was a messy race due to the accidents-


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