June 18th

112 is the number of Tigers in Corbett National park the highest density of Tigers recorded anywhere in the world

22 Ft is the maximum length to which a Giant South African Earthworm can grow

4,00,000 Pounds is the amount that went in to the designing of the logo for the 2012 Olympic games in London
4.8 Million Euros was the amont fetched by French Emperor Napoleon's gold encrusted sabre at an auction in Paris


I's ll be changing my job next year and it will be nice to finally have a college degree on my resume- Bill Gates on getting his law degree from Harvard 30 years after he dropped out if the university

I must confess I do look forward to occupying the highest chair in the country one day -- Mayawati UP CM ( ? )

An industrial complex on the moon.. May emerge in another 50 to 75 years-- A.P.J Abdul Kalam President

I am an actor and artiste by profession , but by birth I am an agriculturist-- Aamir Khan on hs buying agricultural land in Pune

IF part of the stratefic nuclear potential of the US is located in Europe and will be threatening us , then we have to respond -- Vladmir Putin Russian President


Mysteries in Modern india

Some controversies that were never resolved and the puiblic also forgets them-- Some of the prominent ones...

1. The Don--
Where is Dawood ?
Has he really changed his face ?
Is he a capitie of the ISI ?

2.Who was Telgi's master
Why did the police take so much time to unearth the scam
Who controlled Telgi
Is Telgi a scapegoat ?

How did the fire break out in the train ?
Who was behind it ?

4. Kargil
Was the Kargil intrusion an intelligence failure ?
Has India learnt lessons ?
Are India's intelligence agencies better prepared today ?

Who got the money ?

6. IC 814 Hijacking
Why was the plane allowed to take off from Amristar ?
What was the role of Taliban and Pakistan
Was money paid in exchange for the hostages ?

There coule be more ones that are simply not resolved…

See this link--
This has a relation to the quote by Bill Gates


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