June 4th Weekly updates


22 lakh pilgrims visited Tirupati temple between April 24 and May 23. INR 25 Crores was the hundi collection during the same period

4.28 lakh foreign tourists visited Kerala in 2006-07 a 23 % increase over the previous month

803 million dollars is the worth of China's silk exports in the first quarter of this year

Quotable quotes

I must say that this might be my last contribution to the state-- Shimon Peres Former Israeli PM on his candidature for Presidency

No danger is larger than those related to ageing -- Fidel Castro Cuban President

We do not negotiate with baby killers and war criminals like you-- Adam Gadahn US Islamic militant in a Video warning to the US

I am an easy going person. I don't sing for money or fame. I was brought up in an environment where I was taught to love and respect music , not consider it as business- Shreya Ghosal Singer


Behind every successful man is a woman., they say. Shiek Salar has proved the reverse true. A pani puri vendor in Visakapatnam , Salar began saving money when his wife Fatima expressed her desire to become a software engineer. By the time she cleared the entrance and opted for electronics and electrical engineering, Salar has saved INR 60,000 for fees. Help also came from the State Minorities Finance Commission. Now software giant Infosys has offered Fatima a job. Salar has one more reason to be proud. Fatima is the first student from her college to get to Infosys. Wonderful..

Venkatesan Update

See update of May 20th for reference on this subject
There is great news on Venkatesan-- venkatesan was fitted with artificial limbs and arms -- He is now on training to use them and is getting discharged from the hospital on Wednesday and should be in Chennai by week end- this is a amazing turnaround and hopefully will help this physically challenged person to do better--
Personally , this effort gave me great satisfaction and the fact that we all were able to help a deserving individual who has shown great courage and resilience


This has been in the Indian airspace news for sometime-- A380 from Airbus made a excursion trip to India and specifically to Delhi and Mumbai-- it cannot land on all airports in India due to its size … Some facts about the aircraft that may interest you-
The A380 can take up to 853 passengers ( all economy class ) -- Current Boeing 747 400 can take about 400 passengers or so
Singapore Airlines will the first airline to get commercial delivery of this aircraft
Cost of this aircraft varies from 1215 crore to 1300 crore
The lower deck of the aircraft can be used to create restaurants , lounges , etc., just like they do in Cruise ships
Kingfisher airlines is the only Indian Airline to place order for this aircraft and is expected to get delivery in 2011

Rotary -- New Year and plans

One year has gone by-- new guard takes over at the Rotary ( Rotary year is July- June ).. The new District governor is a amazing personality-- (our district covers 98 clubs in chennai and uptown clubs from areas as , Cheyyar , Arni, vellor Kanchipuram etc,)-- He is the youngest to get in to this post --Aged 43 , he is a IIT Chennai and IIM A alumni and runs his own business in Construction and FMCG-- Dynamic personality --
This Sunday ( June 3rd ) , we had our annual planning conference for the up coming year-- this was a half day program --Rotary operates very professionally and the year end review is nothing less than the PMP that we do-- thankfully there is no A2 concept yet.-- Each vocation is given targets , tools and has to deliver-- vocation could be in the following areas - Community service , International service , Health care , Youth Service etc.,
The program for the year started with a key note address by the outgoing governor followed by a Special address by a Rotary International Director from Mumbai-- then we had a video address by the Rotary International President Wilfred Wilkinson-- Wilfred is a Canadian and has been a Rotarian for only for 44 years-- It was a awesome inspirational speech to motivate all of us to do better and grow the Rotary --membership development is key-- Earlier to this Conference , the governor attends the International conference where the World leaders of various Rotary clubs meet to agree on the action items for the year and from this confernece comes our targets and goals--
After the video ,the incoming governor launched what was his special project for the coming year Titled " Selvi " , it aims to take in to fold school; dropouts , plus 2 passes girls in to a program that will make them employable-- training will be given according to the choice of the girl- it could be tailoring , computer and so on.. It targets to get in at least 3000 girls this year and continue--
We then had breakout sessions for each curriculum and re assembled to pitch the final goals for each area-- It is going to be a very exciting year ahead
I continue for one more year as the Community Service Director for my club. ( Do not ask how I performed last year -- I assumed I did well since they were willing to re nominate me )


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