June 25th


2.6 Million people die in India every year due to poor environmental and sanitary conditions according to a WHO report

24 US $ was the price at which Manhattan Island in New York was bought from the Algonquian Indians in 1624

11,000 kilometres per hour is the speed of an air breathing supersonic combustion engine tested by Australia and US defence scientists in Woomers, South Australia


In Bihar, Yadavs attain wisdom at 60, Now I am wise- lalu Prasad Yadav on his 60th birthday

There is no reason why I should be a rubber stamp president. I was not a rubber stamp as a Governor either- Presidential Candidate Pratiba Patil

The " Goras " has no idea of our playing conditions.. Graham Ford has not played Test cricket, why was India after him ? Wasim Akram Former pakistani Cricketer

People ask how can we address the biggest issues like climatic changes when we cannot even decide how to work together- Jose Manuel Barroso President of the European Commission


His vow has only brought woes to 73 year old Shiv Chandra Yadav- When he was 30 , he vowed that he would not marry unless he passed the high school exam. This year it was his 38th attempt but Yadav flunked in Sanskrit exam. The unfazed farmer who lives alone in Kohari village Alwar has already started preparing for his next attempt. He hopes to marry a girl " under 30 " after he qualifies…Some determination


Having a steaming cup of tea is old fashioned. Here come Tea Cola , a bottled beverage made from tea extracts by the scientists of Tocklai Experimental station in Jorhat town. This refreshing drink will be cheaper than most colas and bottled water. What more, the cola is accompanied by a tea pill , which can be chewed to get that refreshing feel


I had the opportunity to listen a speech on Child sexual abuse and it was scary-- here are some facts and info--
Believe it or not. 42% of Chennai's school going boys and girls suffer sexual abuse, 15% are the victims of serious abuse. M ore boys than girls have reported abuse.
These are some findings of a six-month study conducted recently among corporation, government and private schools in Chennai by Tulir – CPHCSA (Tulir, Centre for the Prevention and Healing of Child Sexual Abuse). The study was funded by Save the Children Sweden.
At the national level, 53% of children surveyed have reported sexual abuse.
Sexual abuse among children is shrouded in silence and secrecy. An abused child has nowhere to turn to. Awareness of the problem is low, specific laws against sexual abuse of children don't exist.
The pattern of abuse is insidious, says Vidya Reddy, executive director of Tulir. Most of the abusers are family and friends. They include uncles -- and fathers. Worst of all: 95% of the doctors in Chennai do not know to detect or treat sexual abuse of children.
To attack the problem, Tulir organizes orientation for parents, plus workshops for teachers and children. It uses leaflets, posters and child-friendly audio-visual materials. Audio books are being prepared. Tulir has organized safety education so far for a few score private and corporation schools in Chennai.
Tulir's work may be described as a combination of advocacy, awareness, preventive education, safety education, research projects, intervention in special cases. It is bringing out a special booklet on CSA for the police.
Computers have aggravated child sexual abuse; Mi crosoft is now tapping Tulir's expertise to attack and prevent online crimes against children.
Tulir (which refers to the first tender leaves of a plant, a metaphor for children) was set up in 2002 by Vidya Reddy. It is based on Vidya's experiences with Childline, a 24-hour helpline for children, and her meeting with an American expert who has set up similar centers in Viet Nam, Philippines and Malaysia.
Tulir began its work "on love and fresh air". But funding followed, from UNICEF, Action Aid and other organizations. In 2006, Tulir was honoured with an international award in Geneva for its outstanding work.


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