June 16th 2008

Quotable Quotes
A lot of people like America. They may not sometimes like the President but they like America- George Bush US President
It is better to prepare for the worst rather than simply hope for the best - Gordon Brown UK Prime Minister after a survey showed his labour party's popularity dipping to a all time low

Mallika Sherwat is the root cause of Global warming. See the kind of vibes she exudes while on sets - Paresh Rawal Actor

BPO may ne a good catch phase, but industry is past the era of mere off shoring. Now it is all about Globalisation of services- Pramod Bhasin Vice Chairman Nasscom
Customer Approach
I have been going to this saloon to have my haircut for the past seven years ( yeah , they pick them from my baldy and shorten them !! )- What is impressive about this cramped little shop is that all the hair dressers behave in the same way with customers-- there are around 6 chairs and most of the time they are packed with people waiting but as soon as they see a customer enter , there is a unified " vanga, utkarunga , etho mudhichudalam " with a great smile on their face -- Inspite of the crowd , the customer who is hesitant to enter , takes the brave step to enter the shop -- It is a different matter that he waits his turn but the customer is sucked in and business is sure to be closed- Also overtime , the smart owner has developed his team -- each day one guy is responsible for the "galla petti " and there is a extra reward for tallying and getting the cash out to the owner -- this way the owner has spread the risk and he need not be personally present to monitor ( he comes full time on Sunday and has probable three or four shops )-- it is difficult for ten guys to swindle by teaming and leading -- he also takes care of his boys, easy to get along -- I see little attrition over the years- Also they are very disciplined -- One guy turned up at 7:25 AM --( shop opens at 7 AM ) -- there was a good discussion from the team to him- they were telling him how to be on time ( punctuality ) , how it affects his performance and tips to come on time etc., -- Amazing learning from a sector that is unorganised and does not do all the training that a corporate does-
May be this the reason for this saloon to do so well- Some of you may have such interesting sharing as well
The blog is reduced in content as the week end was spent away from Chennai -- It was a interesting , religious trip-


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