June 2nd Updates

Quotes of the week
In a complex country like India, you can't wait for opportunities. Life does not come in a big box with a blue ribbon - Arun Sarin Vodafone CEO
It was mesmeric. The music, the clothes that they wore, the atmosphere was completely a new experience for me -- Aussie Cricketer Brett Geeves after attending a Hindu style wedding in Delhi of Srilankan Cricketer Tilakaratne Dilshan
Nitish must be pleased up there. He must be saying "mum you have proved yourself "- neelam kataria Mother of Nitish kataria on the conviction of his killers Vikas and Vishal Yadav
Failures make me more determined to succeed-- shah Rukh Khan

A teacher asks a student how he would measure the height of a very tall building using a barometer, evidently expecting to hear about the reduced air pressure being proportionate to the elevation ....
The student replies: Tie the barometer to a long string, lower the string till the barometer touches the ground, measure the length of the string !
However, what follows is much more interesting: This highly original answer so incensed the examiner that the student was failed .
The student appealed on the grounds that his answer was indisputably correct, and the university appointed an independent arbiter to decide the case. The arbiter judged that the answer was indeed correct, but did not display any noticeable knowledge of physics.
To resolve the problem it was decided to call the student in and allow him six minutes in which to provide a verbal answer which showed at least a minimal familiarity with the basic principles of physics.
For five minutes the student sat in silence, forehead creased in thought.
The arbiter reminded him that time was running out, to which the student replied that he had several extremely relevant answers, but couldn't make up his mind which to use. On being advised to hurry up the student replied as follows :
Firstly, you could take the barometer up to the roof of the skyscraper, drop it over the edge, and measure the time it takes to reach the ground. The height of the building can then be worked out from the formula H = 0.5g x t squared. But bad luck on the barometer." "
Or if the sun is shining you could measure the height of the barometer, then set it on end and measure the length of its shadow. Then you measure the length of the skyscraper's shadow, and thereafter it is a simple matter of proportional arithmetic to work out the height of the skyscraper ."
But if you wanted to be highly scientific about it, you could tie a short piece of string to the barometer and swing it like a pendulum, first at ground level and then on the roof of the skyscraper .
The height is worked out by the difference in the gravitational restoring force T = 2 pi square root (l/g)." "
Or if the skyscraper has an outside emergency staircase, it would be easier to walk up it and mark off the height of the skyscraper in barometer lengths, then add them up ."
If you merely wanted to be boring and orthodox about it, of course, you could use the barometer to measure the air pressure on the roof of the skyscraper and on the ground and convert the difference in millibars into feet to give the height of the building ."
But since we are constantly being exhorted to exercise independence of mind and apply scientific methods, undoubtedly the best way would be to knock on the janitor's door and say to him 'If you would like a nice new barometer, I will give you this one if you tell me the height of this skyscraper' ."
The student was Niels Bohr, the only person from Denmark to win the Nobel Prize for Physics.

IPL - The final

The final was a classic -Rajasthan Royals ( RR ) won the title against Chennai Super Kings (CSK ) but only just- earlier RR and CSK went in to the finals defeating their much famed opponents in style and also comprehensively- The match swung from one team to another -- Although it was twenty twenty , the game seemed long enough for the number of twists and turns that it carried- CSK put in to bat did well to make 163 in testing conditions and against a clever bowling attack marshalled by none other than Shane Warne- RR chasing were in trouble loosing three wickets and when Yousf Pathan mishit the ball at 75 , one thought CSK was going to win. But Suresh Raina of all people grassed it and Pathan rode his luck and cracked a power packed half century that brought the RR closer to victory-- but the script changed as CSK came back strongly and got rid of three batsman including Pathan through a run out as Raina atoned for his dropped catch by hitting the stumps from a narrow angle but damage done-- RR crept up and had eight to get in the last over which is child's play in twenty twenty- Although it took the last ball to get there , the result of RR winning was never in doubt-
Well the curtains came down on the first IPL ever but it did lot of good things for Indian cricket

It showed that a event of this size can be organised and run perfectly-- hats off to the organisational team-- there were no flaws , no disruption of schedules etc.,
Not easy to achieve with teams travelling every other day and with influx of foreign players , it only added complexity-
It gave great opportunity for youngsters to prove their mettle at a international level--
They could mix with International cricketers
No controversies on team selection ( this is unheard of since every team that is selected we have a opinion on it ! )

Few words need to be said on Warne's leadership as well as Dhoni

Warne lead from the front-- he was responsible for their turnaround -- he hit 17 runs in the last over to clinch victory over Deccan Challengers in RR's second match-that was the turning point- the confidence level of the team went sky high
he was bold willing to experiment and had great confidence in his youthful team -- The other point to note was that his team members were willing to deliver -Young Niraj Patel hit 15 runs of a Dilhara Fernado last over to gain win and send Mumbai Indian packing out of the semi final berth- In the end it was team combination , self belief and Warne's leadership that made RR win

Dhoni was different - you could not read him- cool as cucumber- he did admit that there was pressure but he was controlling his emotions on the field so that he did not let down the team- Also he talked about performing today rather than talking about what we did yesterday- After the final , although there is no transcript of what he told the team as they returned after loosing but one could guess that he told them that they had done a great job and need not feel bad that they lost the game- Great trait of leadership is to be with the team at the time of failure and in the post match conference , he said that the team had failed and there was no turning point- ( he could easily said Raina's dropped catch of Pathan was the turning point ) , he said there were team mistakes in batting fielding and bowling-- Great learning to handle failure
I hope you guys enjoyed the final as I did


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