July 21

No quotes for this week
Will wait for the Parliament debate and i am sure we will find some interesting ones

Humour club - 25th Anniversary celebrations
It was a fanastic evening that one could not afford to miss- the Kamarajar Arangam was packed with close to around 1700 people in the auditorium-- The high point of course was Young Sharvana winnning the humorist award of 2008 - it was a phenomenal gathering to get noticed and awarded - some of the people on the dias as she got the award were - Prof GnanaSambandam exemplary public debate speaker and a man of great learning , Prof Ramachandran again a great public debate speaker, Actor Jayaraman , Former vice Chancellor of Madras University Mr Sathik , Director of Air - it was a pity that the chief guest Director Balachander was in the audience rather than the dias to wish this upcoming talented humorist.-- PR Babu ( FBSC NAMSS ) , his family must have been delighted to see their charmed one go up all alone on the big dias and handle herself so well- Well done Babu --
She was allowed to showcase her talent by telling two jokes which she did to the thunderous applause -- She went on to give a vote of thanks for her being on the stage -- to her Patti who helped her with the jokes and Sri Uncle who helped in her knowing the humour club - Truly outstanding.
The event by itself was four hours of non stop laughter with the likes of Jayraman ( mini performance ) , Prof Ramachandran ( my god how could one talk with so much of ease and keep focussed on making the crowd interested -- it must have been one of his best speeches ) , SV Shekar ( short and sweet - small dig at the UPA govt., )
Director Balachander is only 78 years old , but was a bundle of energy in his walk , speech and action - he promised that he will do one more film for the award that was presented to him-- yet he was humble on his achivements - the Ex VC of Chennai Sathiq was again outstanding and hilaroous in his speech-- this rubbed on and even the Director of AIR was able to crack a joke in his speech --The final speaker of the day was Prof Gnanasambandam - he did not disappoint as well with lot of stuff that we can relate to our lives and how we miss so many things that are apparent -- We miss listening to these learned people often -
Kalki weekly was awarded the best magazine for his clean journalism and its forthrightness
A thorughly well stress relieving day for me and my wife and the others who turned in-
It was a touch and go for my attending this -- I was at Mayavarm that day - left Mayavaram at 5:30 AM , went to a couple of temples enroute and drove in to Chennai at 2:30 PM - There was great support from my wife to make it to this event - Both of us had cat naps and Babu helped block the seats for us ( thanks a ton PR Babu ) and we went in at around 4:25 or so -- the body was so tired and it was aching all over but the speeches and the humour just overwhelmed us and we forgot all the pain and enjoyed the program so well -- it would have been a pity if we did not make it

Formula one racing at the German GP
I could not watch this -- This is Radha 's write up ( thanks Radha , i watched the re telecast and could not agree with you more )
This week's F1 race was the most exciting of the 10 races that we had for 2008. The Saturday qualifying was completely dominated by Hamilton.
The race started on Sunday with the Hamilton building up lead on Ferrari's Massa by almost a second for every completed lap. By the time, he went in for refuelling he opened up almost 15 seconds gap (which is very big in F1 racing) and it looked as though it will be a cakewalk.

Everything looked setup for a 2nd successive Hamilton victory when he once again opened up another 15 seconds gap on Ferrari. On Lap 35 one of the Toyota's drivers crashed heavily on the pit wall at 200 KM speed and his car got ripped off. The driver was unharmed beyond a nasty bruising which once again reiterates the safety features that the F1 cars have on track.
The safety car came out to clear the debris of the damaged car and reduced Hamilton's lead to ZERO. All the cars went for refuelling, which is a normal strategy during the safety car period, except Hamilton, a strategy which no one could still understand why. Once the Safety car came in, Hamilton once again started building by the lead over the next 10 laps, refuelled and joined back behind 3 drivers. Over the next 5 laps, he was driving at a scorching pace and the race was getting exciting with Hamilton hounding each of his front-runners and overtook them. The overtaking of Ferrari's Massa was breath-taking and the two cars where on wheels together almost touching each other at top speeds. Worth watching those 15 seconds of excitement. Such was the domination of Hamilton that he build another 9 seconds lead on the Ferrari before the race was completed.
The other Ferrari driver (Kimi Raikkonen) had a poor run with setup problems on his car and finished 6th. 8 more races to go and just 10 points split the top 4 drivers with Hamilton leading the pack.

Hamilton is only 23 years and this is his 2nd year in F1 racing. Although it is an early judgement, we could see the flashes & brilliance of Michael Schumacher on the way this guy is racing.. Very aggressive, determined and a never-say-die attitude. A talent that McLaren has nourished over the last 7 years before bringing him to F1 last year.


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