October 6th Updates

Quotable Quotes
I will suck the oxygen out of their system so there will be no talibs-- Asif Ali Zardari Pakistan President on the Taliban

No single pre- electoral alliance will have a clear cut majority and the worst losers will be the left parties -- Yogendra yadav psphlogist on the next general elections

With our economy at risk , our children's future in the balance, the risks in this election is to repeat the same mistakes Barack Obama US Presidential hopeful

I will not relax after breaking Lara's record-- Sachin Tendulkar

Navrathri - Kolu - Socialising -- what a week it has been

It was that time of the year -- I did my part -- got the readymade furniture to host the dolls down from the attic , assembled them and then the ladies took over -- My wife did a outstanding job to make the entire thing a " success " -- Right from the invite list , to the gifts for the grown ups and the kids and the daily Soondal and Sweet , she did everything -- I was stunned by the energy she got to do all this -- Something to learn
We planned to have visitors on particular days and at fixed time periods - this was planned really well -- We had same group of known people come in at the same time and this helped a great deal as they took care of themselves -- We had friends from the office on one day , friends from the Rotary on one , family members on one day ( but they came in daily !! No issues with that )- it was great to socialise and meet up and this was bringing up strong bonding and a better relationship amongst all- My daughters friends from school , drawing class all came at the same time and it was great fun to handle some10 -12 kids at the same time -- overall the key was the sense of fulfilment that came to us -- Happiness was the theme and I think it was great fun to do this -- The navarathri is not over yet but it has given lot of happiness and joy over the past week and that was simply great.

One more reason to be happy

More bragging on the home front -- My niece ( 11 years ) has been practising to be a carnatic singer for the last three years -- this year in Aug in line with the Ganesh Chathurthi festival she sang at the local Pillaiyar temple for 30 minutes -- She was noticed at this program -- She got invited to sing during the Navarathri festival at a another temple in KK Nagar for a full fledged concert ( two hours ) and that was challenging just not on her but the entire family -- But she surprised us all -- She sang non challantly and with clear diction and controlled the tempo of the entire concert-- It was the start that was needed to be great ( not just good ) -- She started with a varnam and once the start was great , there was no looking back -- The accompaniments were excellent ( the violin girl in her ninth std and the boy who played mridangam in his X1th std )--
When the concert started , there were ten people and eight were from the family-- As it progressed , the hall was packed and that was great sign for all of us -- it was the sign that my niece was singing well -- We needed a third party proof of concept and the crowd increasing was a testimony-- A big thing for the family- My niece got a handsome "sanmanam " for the concert and ice creams from my wife for the great singing- It was heartfelt happy Saturday --

The Crisis and what we should be alert

Much is said in the media in all forms and there are lot of PPT doing the rounds on the collapse of Lehmans and so on.. And the reasons for what has happened -- I was tempted to ask--every time I see a article analysing the reason for the collapse , if you knew the reason why did you not do anything that could have prevented this -- I bet no one has a answer to this -We do good post mortem analysis of things --
Things are volatile that any form of investment is a question mark -- The stock market is behaving the way it would -- everything on mother earth has a reason for the index to fall -- need not be India related at all -- I wonder how it will react if there are India specific reasons --There is nothing called a " Safe investment " in today's world-- If we are smart , we should be worried about protecting the principal from damage ( if not done already from the wounds of the secondary market , the SIP and the mutual funds )-- looks like for sometime term deposits with the banks may help-
I asked my mom , where the money is safe -- She said like the old days , keep them in a iron suitcase ( irumubu petti ) and shove it up the attic -- May be that is where it is safe !!


Naresh said…
Sri, Good one on markets melt down.

Next week I look fwd some thing on Ganguly.. poor chap

Anonymous said…
Dear Sri -- It was a lively narration of events this time. You are getting really professional at it. The last one being the highlight. Babu PR

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