August 17th --Key date in my career !

Quotable Quotes

There is little doubt that drug testing has to be mandatory in cricket . Every good system must create an atmosphere for the clean to thrive and the weeds to be uprooted - Harsha Bhogle Cricket Commentator

My husband is not the secretary of state-. I am, I am not going to be channelling my husband - Hillary Clinton to a question on her husband

The era of Lalu Prasad Yadav is over and Nitish kumar is on his way out - Jagadish Tytler Congress leader , while in Bihar

Minorities are a sacred trust for Pakistan - Asif Ali Zardar Pakistan President.

EPL -- Start of the season r 2009- 10

It was a terrific start to the football season -- All the matches played over the week end were result oriented -- No drawn matches and that makes it good to watch and follow - MY favourites ManU got the better of promoted side Birmingham by a solitary goal -- that was good enough for a team that has been dominated by Cristiano Ronaldo's heroics for the past four years -- They need to re group after his departure to Real Madrid -- Only time will tell how ManU has taken his departure -- I am little pessimistic on ManU chances to win the title this season -- Let us see --
Big spenders Man City ( they blew 100 Mils Pounds this year ) scrapped through against Blackburn while the surprise pockets were delivered by Wigan and Tottenham-- Wigan beat Aston Villa and then Spurs beat fancied Liverpool by the odd goal in three -- More in store as the season warms up and gathers stream.

25 years of working !! Am i bored ?, not yet ...

I realised that Monday Aug 17th , 2009 i will complete 25 years of being employed and working !! The journey started in 1984 on the same day , when i was glad to accept a apprenticeship ( article ship ) with a Chartered Accountant firm to whom i am ever thankful for considering me while others did not -- i said that i was glad because , i had struggled for nearly six weeks during that period to get placed with a CA firm -- I had applied at many places and no one was willing to consider me as i had to attend evening classes for my Bachelor's degree -- One of the current top four Audit firm responded to me saying that i was on " wait list " and will consider me in the new year ( 1985 ) !! -- Current situation is the other way around , the CA firms are battling to get in articleship trainees to their firms and are doing everything they can to keep them on roll !! Anyway , i started , moved on to do my Industrial training as part of my CA apprenticeship ( Carborundum Universal ) and then on to employment with Onida , Maxworth Orchards and now Ford . I have been more or less working continuously -- No summer vacations etc., !! No breaks between employements ... The biggest was 21 days between Maxworth and Ford and the reason was not that i was not willing to join.. Ford was not set up to hire ..
It has been a great journey so far and no regrets at any point of time in what i have done over the past years- I am also aware that there are many others who would have gone through this milestone but thought i should write some lines on this -- Be sure , i will write by autobiography in the future -
I shared this with my better half and she congratulated me on this and then asked the question " what are you getting me for this wonderful achievement " -- I know where emotional resilience works best and in this case , it was my lack of response to the question !!


Venky said…
Sri- It was nice to note that you have completed 25 years of service. Congratulations on achieving this milestone and I wish you good wishes for your future professional contributions as well.

A lot of our employees would have been after you joined the workforce and it will be good for you to write an official blog sharing a few things that are key to being successful day in and day oout.

Anonymous said…
Srikanth, Congratulations!!!
Amazing to know that you have completed 25 years on the turf (at this young age!!)

I am sure you will go for lot many more miles and achieve a few hundred more things...!!!
S Balaji
Anoop said…
Your comments about the question from your better half and how you responded brought out a laugh in me...we all think we are so and so at work and it all pales into insignificance in front of our better half...congratulations Sri on the 25 years!
Anonymous said…
Sri - Congrats on completing 25 years of work life. I am sure you will acheive many more mile stones in your professional career.

All the best

Hema said…
Congratulations Srikanth on the silver jubilee! Please also pass on the wishes your wife for her support all through these years and the years to come in.
Krish ( NAR) said…
Sri - Congrats..Can you kindly share your TOP 3 learnings with the group.. I read that you are planning to write a Bio.. but, still curious to learn..

One of the TOP one which I learnt from you is ' Respond do not React'

Krish ( NAR)

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