odd ones

Quotable Quotes of the week

The Republicans in my country talk about me like a dog-- Barack Obama US President

I will slap any bookie who will come near me, big time -- Harbhajan Singh Indian Cricketer

Politics is the biggest instrument. What MP's and MLA's decide, define our life - Rahul Gandhi Congress Leader

Indians watch films only for a good laugh-- Shyam Benegal Film Director

Endhiran ( Robot ) -- The Marketing to make this movie a success

It has become the normal practice for the Movie industry to launch the Audio release of the songs of the movie in advance of the movie release . For the Rajini , Shankar , Sun Pictures mega movie , this was no different . The Audio release was done in Malaysia and telecast later. It was clear that the movie was being set up or hyped up for it to be a success.
However , they did one more thing which to me is the first of its kind. They had a mega function to launch the " Trailer " of this movie. Just to unveil the 60 or so second trailer , there was a huge function , speeches , felicitations and more hype. "If the trailer is this , the movie will be great " was the comment of the distributors , Theatre owners and other stake holders. ( did not expect anything else from them )

I was impressed with the marketing front. Having put in 150 Crores for this movie , if the movie does not give the returns , it will have its own impact , just die to the sheer size of the investment in to it. It is going to be excited to see how the movie fares in the box office !!

More on Cinema
Actor Murali
Those who are loved by God die young and that applied to this quiet , charming , dark coloured actor . I watched a re telecast of his talk show ( I watched the original in part as well ) -- As you realise that this man is no more and then relate the chat and discussions from the talk show , you realise that this man was humble , simple and a ordinary man . He had his son in the talk show with him and it was evident that he was a great father. He was giving so much room to the son and you could see the lovely relationship that he had with his son. Both of them talked about good times and they were at ease talking and also enjoying being together and sharing happiness
Murali died all of 46 years and his son must be in his early twenties. His thoughts on life and the what a actor should showcase was simple. He said "you can be a hero but play the character. He apologies ( there is a segment in this talk show to Say Thank you and Sorry to whomever you want and Murali used the Sorry segment ) to his wife and mother for not spending time with them . He talked about his work at his peak as a Hero actor doing 14- 15 films in a year. He said at times he came home for a couple of hours , once a quarter. His wife and mother took care of his children , their schooling etc etc., That was very poignant -- Did he realise that he was going to die soon ? But the point that I took was spending time with the family -- Work life balance and the importance of it --Strong message indeed , especially when you realise the person passed away and at the age of 46 and that is no age to die ( Murali had a cardiac arrest ).


Anonymous said…
Murali's death is an eye-opener for many of us. To be very frank, I didn’t like this guy as an actor probably because of the roles that he played -- dull & boring character.

But his simplicity and hard-working has grounded me. It is a shocker for his family and the film industry given his age.

Thanks, Radha

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