oct 29


32 honorary doctorates have been conferred on A.P.J. Abdul Kalam

4340 pages is the copy of judgement in the Mumbai blasts case given to Sanjay Dutt .

102,621 crore rupees is the estimated tax losses from SEZ

Quotable Quotes

He threatens humanity with World War III, this time using atomic weapons-- Fidel Castro about US President George Bush

He is more Bengali than anyone I know. I am not saying that because he has a Bengali wife. There's more of Tagore's legend in him than anyone else- Rekha on Amitabh Bacchan

Given the very nature of competitive politics and the very fractured mandate given to governments , it has at times become difficult for us to do what is manifestly obvious -- Manmohan Singh

For too long the advanced economies have told the developing economies that this is right and this is wrong-- P.Chidambaram During the annual meeting of the IMF and World Bank



A resort in Trivandrum celebrated world food day by making a 50 ft tall sandwich. The towering delicacy which took 10 hours and 42 employees to " construct " broke the record of the 42 ft sandwich that was made in Ireland. But soon it started raining. The sandwich got soaked and had to be fed to pigs in the outskirts of the city. Needless to say that many human mouths were left watering.


Instead of Ravan a constable faced the wrath of Ram and Lakshman during the Dussera celebrations at Solwad village near Bhopal. Two brothers dressed as Ram and Lakshman lost their cool when they saw the effigy of Ravan prematurely set on fire- Apparently by someone in the crowd- and a constable standing beside it. They beat up the constable, who tried to scamper away only to be chased and thrashed again. Though the crowd rescued the policeman , his attackers escaped. The police have registered a case against the two' epic brothers' who are sons of the sarpanch

Licences to drive

It is amazing to note that former president APJ kalam , current president Pratiba Patil and Osama have driving licences-- that is not amazing-- right-
But they do have these licences issues by the RTO in Lucknow-- getting a transport licence is the easiest thing to do and for a paltry sum , without any documentation , the licence can be procured-- You can arrange a licence for anyone and that is how the above people got licences !!


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