october 15th

1,6060 million litres is the estimated volume of the Indian beer market in 2007, second only to China in Asia ( we are happy to be part of this market ! )

10 % of the entrepreneurs in India are women

40 lakh rupees is being added to Mukesh Ambani's wealth every minute

99 billion dollars is the bid from a consortium led by the Royal Bank of Scotland to take over Dutch bank ABNAMRO

Quotable Quotes

This was a lie , your honour-- Marion Jones Three time Olympic Champion to the IS Federal Court about her earlier statement to a Federal investigation on using performance enhancing drugs

I did this to drive home the message to the Chief Minster that Blue line buses are being run by inexperienced people like me-- Vijay Goel BJP leader after being arrested for driving a Blue lie bus near Delhi CM's residence

It will be the event of our century if, as a universal rule, death penalty is abolished globally-- VR Krishna Iyer former Supreme Court judge who wrote to the PM requesting for abolition of capital punishment

I do no know! You really want me to try and think about it ? -- Mariah Carey Singer when asked about the number of bathrooms in her 12,000 Sqft penthouse , her residence for last six years.

All play and no work

The cricketers came and went and the buzz has gone off the air. While the denizens got poorer by thousands and in one particular case by a lakh ( when a man bought his RS 5,000 ticket for a lakh in black ) the Indian cricketers went away richer. Each of the players got a wrist watch worth Rs 55,000 and landed gifted by Kiron Reddy of Suchir India. They must have also got paid by the carious companies that they represent. The players attended dinner bashes and showed up at Ahala in Taj Krishna where they shook a leg and left before the photographers could catch them on frame. And they lost the match. Meanwhile the Australian team went for a practice session. Captain Ricky Ponting attended one programme and that too , a fund raiser for the under privileged. Some of them did visit the Ahala along with the Indians. But they won the match.

Juicy Secrets
The karnataka change over was a funny one-- lot of side stories -- here is one on a how a MLA got a Minister post as the govt was sworn in 2006.
All the JD S MAL were asked to switch off their mobile phones lest Deve Gowda call them and made a offer. One JD S MLA Mahadev Prasad did not switch off his mobile phone as required. Deve Gowda did get in touch with him and Mahadev Prasad was made a Minster of Kannada and Culture Portfolio !!


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