March 10th updates

Quotable Quotes
Railways is like a cow that must be optimally milked, lest it turns sick…and milking a cow properly is an art and there is a process to it. So it has been done - Laloo Prasad yadav Railway minister presenting the Railway budget
We are certainly hopeful that India can get done what it needs to, so that we can get done what needs to be done - Robert Gates US defence secretary talking about the Indo US nuclear deal
I think it is possible for us to manage a huge population provided there is a systematic change in how we deal with resources, which are becoming scarce- Montek Singh Ahuluwalia- Deputy Chairman Planning Commission


Horns in vehicles are an outlet for anger or frustration. So what does one do in a traffic jam ? Use the horns minimally says Ranjith a college student in Bangalore. Recently, he and his friend took part in a rally protesting the honking menace. The campaign saw many volunteers on bikes and cars, with banners and stickers
To make the message loud and clear


India did well in the Under 19 world cup as well as in the Tri series - Both the juniors and the seniors won the championship- The juniors swept past their rivals with no problems raising their game when it was needed- All these young guys need to be nurtured well- Money should not put them out of the game- Each of the players got around 15 Lakhs each for the victory-- The seniors did better , they got 58 Lakhs each for winning the series. The team did exceptionally well to bear Australia-- They were mentally strong and put the Aussies on the defensive for the first time -- May this is the change point for the wheel to turnaround- Aussie fire power had to end and this may be the starting point- With an aging team , Australia's avg age is around 30's , and other teams are building their young team. All in all a good week end ( week of March 2nd ) for the victories by the Indian teams


Anonymous said…
Honking -- It is a menace and at times intimidating. The driving schools could stop infusing this habit to the new drivers.

Cricket -- Huge money spinner. But sports like Carrom go unnoticed. Read an article recently about the impoverished Chennai girl who is the world Carrom champion.
Babu PR.

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