Jan1 2009 updates

Happy New year Greetings
Quotable Quotes
We should use scientific interventions to neutralise weapons of terror and mass destruction -- Manmohan Singh Prime Minister
I had never allowed any such nonsense to happen during my two tenures as prime minister -- Nawaz Sharif on the extremist elements in Pakistan
I was happy to reach the century but I am older and wiser now and don't jump around -- Rahul; Dravid Cricketer on his recent century against England
We share good rapport. He pulls my leg.I pull his. But it is nothing serious- Aamir Khan on his rival Shah Rukh Khan'

The drive :
I took off to Kodai via Trichy ( halt on the way ) -- The roads are getting better and better and that is a good sign -- Certain towns are disappearing out of sight due to the creation of Bye pass roads- Enroute to Trichy , Tinidivanam and Villipuram are gone due to the bye pass -- You do not have to fret driving through these towns where there are small lanes and people crossing the roads as if there was no traffic ! Soon Ulunderpet will disappear --
While it is good that these are being done , enough infrastructure to set up rest / Gas stations should commence else it is difficult to stop and get some rest / water and also relieve oneself !! --
Once the six lane is commissioned ( I think it will be another six months minimum ) the drive to Trichy should be a great pleasure and can be done in less than five hours flat-
Kodai continues too be a great place to get some rest and be adventurous -- This time around thanks to a lucky sight seeing guide , I trekked to places that I have never been before -- The guide took us deep in to the ravines and also threatened that he will take us to Munnar following the same path -- Only the distance was 25 Kms and it could take anywhere up to 8 Hours minimum-- He proudly declared that he was looking for people with Great mental and physical fitness -- All of us backed out after trekking for 45 minutes !! But it was a enjoyable chilling experience to have -- The guide was also naïve and had lots of humour-- he took us to usual suicide point and told us that if we wanted to die the hard way that was the point to jump off -- he took us to a another point and told us that it was the Santhi valley and you could still die from that point but it was with quality and happiness -- I had no idea that suicide could be done the hard way at one point and with quality and happiness at the other -- Amazing-- Weather was also pleasant and excellent
The return drive was even better -- originally planned a halt at Trichy but to a personal need , drove all the way -- took around 9 hours excluding a lunch break at Trichy but the drive by itself was smooth and a pleasurable

PS : It was nice to catch up with Balaji at Trichy on the way to Kodai and enjoy great dinner at his in laws place --
The South Afrikans did it again -- They buried the Aussies lock stock -- The Aussies were simply outclassed and looks like there are people who in Australia who are loving every bit of this beating-- I spoke with a Aussie friend who said before the Melbourne Test that the whole of Melbourne was waiting for Ricky Ponting's team to get beaten by South Africa -- he citied Arrogance by the Aussie cricket team as one reason for people wanting them to fail -- What a tragedy this is !!


Unknown said…
Sikku, Nice to read your blog...indeed roads are getting better.. 10 years from now, if we happen to share with our children,grand children !!!,on road to trichy took 10 plus hours, they will laugh at us...

Keep sending your mails to my personal id gpichuman@yahoo.com

Incidentally,we hv not met at your race club along with your pals..its more than a month...hoping to see you & your team soon...bye... G.Mani

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